Purposeful Me

Welcome to Purposeful me

There are five weeks to the end of 2017 and what a year this has been. My expectations at the start of the year are completely opposite to what it’s looking like now.

In January, I had a secure job with a great income but come the end of the year, I am ripping off the comfort blanket of a regular income. I’ve opted to leave my banking career after 16 plus years.

It wasn’t an easy decision to make but once I made it, I felt a mixture of emotions ranging from relief, joy and fear to surprisingly shame. I could understand all the other emotions but why would I feel shame? That’s the million-dollar question.

I was ashamed of walking away from a well-paying corporate job that I am great at, partly because it didn’t make sense to explain it to family, friends, and colleagues.

I didn’t realise how much of my identity was tied to my job until I chose to let it go. Surprisingly I feel like it’s a crime not to have a ‘great’ job with a steady income and this is eye-opening for me.I did what most rationale minded people would do, I immediately started to apply for jobs looking to quickly replace the one I was leaving with another one. It didn’t help that everyone wanted to know what was next for me.

After applying for a few jobs, it suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t want another job, at least not right away. This was even harder to explain. Why would I, with great skills set, reputation and experience, not want to put that to immediate use? I had no answer to give – at least not one that made sense.

After some soul-searching, I decided that I wanted to do something I was truly passionate at even if it meant starting over again in a whole new field. So here I am, well qualified for any number of roles, but only wanting to write and share my experiences, learning, my life and my journey with you.

My big questions have been, ‘what am I passionate about and what is my purpose in life?’

To answer these questions, I am on a journey of self-discovery and it’s one that I want to share with you. I hope to inspire you to go after your own dreams too.

I invite, you to join me and I promise I will be original, true to myself and open and honest with you.

Welcome to ‘Purposeful me’. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Olubunmi Abayomi Omotesho

    Yemi, it is great to be able to live ones passion. As you beginning this journey, I wish you contentment and the peace that comes with it. Ride on!

  • Olusegun Bayode

    Quite impressive that you can finally follow your passion. Not everybody will connect with your decision but that is fine as long as your vision is clear to you. With time, others will see what you have been seeing. More grease to your elbow.

  • Kate Payne

    Yemi you are so inspiring. Really looking forward to going on this journey with you. Thank you for your vulnerability

  • Bamitale saheed

    This is simply amazing. I can’t wait to read more next week. Weldone

  • Matthew Adelekan

    A very big congratulations to you for making this a reality He who has begun the good work will perfect it
    Welldone !!!

  • Folajimi


  • Judith Alfa

    Sometimes if you don’t let go and allow God to lead, you never know where He is taking you.
    There is nothing to be ashamed of, l am convinced you have stepped into what you were created to do. And your banking job was just a stepping stone and training ground to a greater calling. It’s an encouraging and inspiring start.

  • Kovscki

    Bold move Yemi. God’s speed.

  • William Adelekan

    We praise God for your bold decision. May He grant you all the wisdom and inspiration you need for this new chapter of your life.

    “Go onwards and upwards” for the glory of JESUS!


  • Peju Adeniran

    It’s about being authentic and true to oneself … Sis Yemi 👍🏽💐

  • Yahaya Titilayo

    Hi dear Sister
    This is an awesome development. We all have to live life purposefully and meaningfully. Good to read your excerpts. Wishing you the best.

  • Sandra

    Good luck Yemi I look forward to reading about your journey into your future xx

  • Toyin Ajibade

    Wow….this is amazing! I can relate well with you following your passion and purpose in life. I did too! It’s truly been a fulfilling journey for me. I hope you find this as rewarding as I did mine. You deserve the very best…. Loving you – Always!

  • Yetunde

    God bless you sis. Life should be lived with intention and purpose. Get ready for an adventure, with God on your side. Love you sis. I celebrate you.

  • Alex

    Congratulations on taking this huge and courageous step Yemi and thank-you for being so open about your journey and feelings. Many of us don’t move on from our comfort zones simply due to fear and low self belief. Keep writing, I’m looking forward to reading more of your blogs xx

  • Henrietta Abanishe

    I am really happy for you. It takes strength and courage to enter into your prepared place. You are courageous and you will definitely enjoy this place. You may have to work harder but it’s a place to be. It’s now about the quality of life. I am looking forward to taking this walk with you.

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