Purposeful Me

New beginning or painful ending?

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings”. Lao Tzu

This quote is quite poignant for me. I have a choice to focus on the end of my 16- plus year banking career or I can focus on the fresh start this now gives me.

A fresh start to do an assessment of my life to date, a look ahead to what I want it to look like in 5, 10, 20 years and the legacy I can build that will outlive me. What an incredible gift this is!

Does it always feel like a gift? I wish. Many times, it feels like a pipe dream that could easily go up in smokes. It feels like leaving the ‘job security’ behind and taking on a huge risk. It feels scary, daunting, and challenging.

So, what can I do to make sure I focus on the right things and have the right mindset that helps me to see the positives and the opportunities?

Train journey

I must take my past learning, experiences and skills and repackage this to work for me in my new beginning.

I need to identify my fears, face and overcome them, making a choice to look forward only and not be distracted or held back by my past. I must focus my gaze on my new beginning and remind myself daily of this quote.

I will find people who can speak into any areas of insecurity that I have and not be afraid to be vulnerable. That’s the only way they will know I need help and for me to get the support that will help me achieve my goals.

Finally, I must become a life-long learner. There are people that have walked this path before and I can learn from them though reading books, blogs, and articles about them. There are fearless entrepreneurs who have had to restart their businesses many times and have built resilience through it all.

These are the things I will start with.

Leeds sculpture

I know I am not the only one in this weird and wonderful place called, ‘new beginning’. What do you see? Do you see ‘a new beginning’ or ‘a painful ending?’

Your new beginning might be a new job or business but are you still so hung up on the old that you’re not maximising the new?

What will you do this week that will help you to focus on your new beginning and not on your painful ending? They are opposite sides of the same coin.

I would love to hear about your ideas.

Thank you for stopping by. See you next week. Please share this post with others.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Folake

    Insightful and thought-provoking as always, Yemi…

    Folake (opinion Forum)

  • Yahaya Titilayo

    Motivational and lnspiring YEMI. Lol.

  • Afolabi Tiamiyu

    Carving out a new beginning for myself on an endeavor .
    It’s not been easy , but totally shutting doors to old ways have left me with no options than to proceed with the new .
    Not leaving the option of going back has helped so far

  • Niyi (Opinion Forum)

    Hi Yemi,
    Nice one …it would also help if one had a network of trusted friends (whom you have invested in, in the past) and who can be pillar of support, at such moment of change.
    Change is difficult and scary like you wrote.


  • Rose Akerejola

    Nice piece Yemi. Very motivational and thought provoking.

  • Natasha Wyer

    As always Yemi….. A word in season. Thank you again! New beginnings are definitely disguised as painful endings, depending on what the circumstances are, we tend to hang onto the old, out of fear of the unknown. As the saying goes… Better the devil you know, but I do believe if God is leading us to new pastures ….it’s because he has something bigger for us. The word my Pastor got from God for this year was Isaiah 43:19. Behold I am doing a new thing…Lets walk in faith, with the leading of the Holy Spirit to the new things God is doing in our lives x

  • Yewande Bayode

    Beautiful piece of words and very insightful.

    New beginning usually come with so much uncertainties and doubts, maybe because no one knows what tomorrow holds or the fear of unknown or inability to take risk.

    Although, if one is able to face these fears and worries with constant re-assurance, good support network, focus and determination to break through the barriers; the true realities of the new beginning will begin to manifest.

  • Joyce

    This is just what I needed to hear as I am currently facing the end of my 12 year job season and looking expectantly at another one. I really like what you said about repackaging my skills & experience to work for me in my new role. Thank you so much

  • Yetunde

    Powerful. I need to do my homework and think about what I need to do as I start ‘a new beginning’.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  • Olusegun Bayode

    By nature, people are generally apprehensive of living their comfort zone for a new zone. The reason is simple – fear of the unknown. How well are we ready to take on new challenges. Amazingly we experience this apprehension in our lives daily. You are used to a particular road when going to office and any reason to change that route brings discomfort. You change dept in an organisation but you see yourself still gravitating towards the old dept. It will take a conscious and deliberate effort to draw the curtain between the “old ending” and “new beginning”.
    If only we can begin to control these daily experiences, then we can have the grace to handle bigger decisions.

  • Folashade Olaniyi

    Thanks very much, so inspiring.

  • Henry B

    Beautiful and Inspiring. Thank you Yemi, this is a great insight.

  • Olabisi

    This is where I am. Leaving the security of my job for a new venture. Rightly said, it’s scary but exciting, as we catch a tiny glimpse of the life of Abraham. Leaving the known fir the unknown.
    Thanks for giving a better way to look at it.
    God bless you.

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