Purposeful Me

Resilient, Responsible and Reflective

These words struck me the first time I saw them on the wall of a school hall. I wondered what made the school come up with them, boldly publishing the words on their wall.

What thought process led to the school deciding these were the most important words to share with their people? And how do they sell it to them?

I wrote the words down and pondered on them for a while. So, I have decided to explore why they should matter to us.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, it signifies toughness and the ability to quickly return to a previous ‘good’ condition from difficult conditions. It means to be strong, tough, and hardy.

Responsible is to be capable of being trusted and Reflective is characterized by deep thought and describes a person who thinks things through.

Putting these words together, a person who is resilient, responsible and reflective would have to be someone who can be trusted to do what they commit to.  They think deeply which means they understand the consequences of their actions and decisions and they are able to bounce back when things don’t go to plan.

These are admirable qualities for anyone to have and they can be wrapped up to create a unique brand.

In life, we all face tough situations that will break some people so the attitude we adopt and the stance we take in tough times will define how well we come out on the other side.

My challenge for us is that we become responsible. For some, this is already how you are seen by those around you but for others, you know you can be more responsible and trust worthy so why not start today. Let your ‘No’ be No’ and your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’.

We can all be more reflective. This means we don’t rush headlong into decisions or relationships, but we take time to gather information, analyse them, understand the bigger picture so we are well-informed before we act.

It also means we take time after we have acted to reflect and see if we would change anything in hindsight. We learn the lessons and move on.

Becoming more resilient must be a key goal for everyone because sometimes, life hands us lemons instead of whatever we hoped for. Life can be tough and there’s no denying there’s a battle ranging around and in us.

We will face disappointments, broken relationships, financial loss, business hardships, job losses, scary medical diagnosis, bereavements, and other types of challenges.

Challenges are not designed to break us. They are meant to show what we are made off, as we overcome them and come through the other side stronger than we ever thought possible.

Resilience is what we need at these times. So, my wish for you is that you be resilient, responsible, and reflective as you go through life.

Life is for living, not enduring, so live today as though it were your last day on earth. Make each day count.

Thank you for stopping by to read my post. Please like, share and follow me. I’m always keen to hear from you so leave a comment. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Uduak Akpan

    Inspiring read.
    Challenging us to be better.
    Well done sister Yemi!

  • Yahaya Titilayo

    Dear YEMI
    Thanks for this inspiring piece. You have thought me to be more resilient in my day to day life with people. Because I have found out its a weak part of me. I depend on people too much so when they disappoint me l feel very sad.
    May God continue to strengthen you and give you more wisdom to spur us to greater heights.

  • Adebola Joseph 'Sabò

    A nice write up, madam. This piece teaches one never to give up. If you tried once and it failed, try again by injecting in better ideas. Never give up until success is achieved.

  • Yetunde

    Excellent piece. The 3Rs are crucial to living a purposeful life.

  • Umm Yasir

    It’s a food for thought!

  • Olabisi

    Thanks sis. Very motivating.
    The lord help us

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