Purposeful Me

A dose of reality and other lessons

I had this week’s post all figured out but after spending Thursday in the classroom called life, I feel the need to share some of my lessons.

I was looking forward to the International women’s day and the inspirational event organised by Melanie Malcolm of Yorkshire ladies link. I spent some time, the day before, agonising about what I would wear and almost cracked that nut before going to bed.

Thursday morning, I woke up to unexpected and generous amount of snow. I wondered who didn’t get the memo that I had somewhere to be. I hate driving on snow.

My immediate reaction was to moan and crawl back into bed, but before I gave in to that thought, a friend calls to tell me she wanted to go with me.

Shoot! There goes my escape. I now have to brave the snow but at least I would have some company for the journey so it wasn’t so bad or scary.

Before I even stepped out of the door, my first lessons were:

1. The world doesn’t revolve round me, my comfort zone and what I want. Deal with ‘it’. ‘It’ for me that day was the snow.

2. Even the best laid out plans have to change and it’s not a big deal. I had my clothes all planned, but priorities changed. I needed to dress for weather and not for fashion. Go figure!

3. A timely intervention can set us on the right path. Getting a call from my friend and realising that I needed to get us to the event, pushed any fear of driving on snow aside.

4. Life is easier with the right people in it. Knowing I wouldn’t be alone in the car on slippery roads eased my anxiety

At the event, I was amazed at the determination, adaptability and resilience of the organisers and the participants. All their preparation and perfectly laid out plans went out the window.

At times like this, we are faced with choices to – give in to the disappointment or push through, give up or go on? Remain in the old mindset or look for new possibilities?

I watched the organisers’ tireless efforts to re-arrange programme, make calls and communicate potential changes to the participants whilst remaining positive, courteous and professional. Kudos to the ‘cool, calm and collected’ Yorkshire Ladies Link team.

Then came the inspiring speakers, starting with Chris Pointon who lost his amazing wife, Kate Granger, after a battle with cancer. There weren’t many dry eyes in the room as Chris shared their story. Instead of the session being about how unfair life can be, it was about how we can all make a difference.

The simplest of campaigns, started on a hospital bed, has become a global move to change the way business is done in the medical and other fields. It is simply called, ‘#Hellomynameis’.

Kate could have spent her days being upset and focused on herself, instead she spent every moment of it achieving her dreams, fighting for others and building a legacy that would outlive her.

I also saw the faithfulness and humility of a good man who stood by his wife in sickness and in heath, in life and through the valley of the shadow of death. A man who continues to honour his wife’s legacy everyday.

How’s that for some life’s lessons?

So the next time you find yourself wallowing in self-pity, complaining because things didn’t go to plan, or that your efforts did not result in your desired outcomes, please stop! Take a pill of reality.

Remind yourself that there are real people out there fighting battles bigger than them whilst smiling, encouraging others and making a difference.

Finally, what legacy are you building or helping to build?

See you next week as I share about another inspirational person. Until then, chin up, brew a cuppa and celebrate life.

You know the drill – like, follow me, comment and share this with others.

I wish all moms a happy Mother’s Day. You’re very much appreciated and loved. I hope you’ve been spoilt by your loved ones. xxx

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Bamitale

    Every post is always an eye opener.

    Thank you.

  • Uduak Akpan

    Very inspiring piece.
    Thank you for stirring hope alive.
    God bless.

  • Yahaya Titilayo

    Hmmmmmmm…. I really appreciate this inspirational piece from you. May God continue to strengthen you and grant you more wisdom to touch lives positively and impacting in them expected norms of a society. God bless you more abundantly Dear.

  • Tracey

    Miss you girl – enjoying popping on here though and still hearing your voice 😀

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