Purposeful Me

Grow and move. Then grow some more …

As I consider what to write about this week, I am reminded of and excited by a quote from Mark Twain that says, “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection”

My question to you today is, ‘what are you doing to continuously improve yourself?’

We are created to grow and move – spiritually, physically, mentally and intellectually.

Physically, if you stop moving around, there will be consequences of weight gain, poor circulation, joint pains. Also, we have to keep learning and growing or we stagnate.

I heard most successful people read every day including many CEOs. They are busy people, so there is something to be said for them making time to read despite their busyness. They read to improve themselves.

Do you make time to continuously improve yourself or do you find enough reasons not to?

For me the pendulum swings both ways. There are times when I am quite disciplined and make time to read or learn something every day and at other times, it all goes out the window. I’m the same person and my busyness is about the same so why do I move like a yo-yo between the two extremes of doing a lot and doing nothing at all?

It all boils down to habit and the choices I make every day. Sometimes it’s that choice between watching a TV show and reading or getting on to social media and losing track of time. Other times, it’s a good choice of doing my brain training or spending quality time with family and friends.

Making myself and others better is my passion and one of the enablers of this is learning new things everyday, applying my learning and seeking feedback from those around me.

Here are some tips to help you on your journey to a better version of yourself.

img_2447-2Have a social media fast one day a week and invest in yourself on this day

Learn a new cuisine or language. The list of what you can do is endless. The important thing is that you switch off gadgets and switch on ‘Project You’. 

Turn off notifications on your phone

Do you really have to know when a new WhatsApp message or Facebook post comes in? No you don’t. Don’t be controlled by your gadgets, take your life back. Decide when to check your messages and stick to this. I did this recently and I was amazed at how much more I got done.

Turn off the TV remote one hour earlier than normal

Use this extra hour to read or even catch up on your beauty sleep. Try doing some reflection, meditation or paint a picture.

Join a book club

It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends, share some laughs and learn some lessons together. If you don’t fancy joining a book club, then find a book to read.

Check out toastmaster

Do you want to be a more confident speaker, better prepared for interviews and ready to make an impromptu speech? Then this might be for you.

Learn a new skill free of charge

There are many free online courses. I’ve done courses ranging from creative writing, brand management to Big data analytics. You’re bound to find something you like.

Do an act of kindness

Take the focus of yourself and think about someone else. What can you do to bless someone else, understand their position, forgive them and perhaps yourself. Do it.

I’m keen to hear about what you are doing to continuously improve yourself and please do let me know of any books, learning platforms or apps you are loving.

See you next week. Please share with others.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Olarewaju Femi James

    I’m inspired by this post.

  • Abiodun Ayobami kazeem

    It really touches…

  • Doreen Henry

    You are so right Yemi. There are so many things I’ve always wanted to do but never made the time! I must start to make time.

  • Dayo Adeyinka

    Another great instalment of purposeful me. Thank you for your “act of kindness” by dishing out these nuggets every week.

    You did ask for book recommendations, well here is one for the younger ones – a good gift that would pay loads of dividends.

    The Power Of Positive Thinking For Young People Paperback –
    by Norman Vincent Peale

    Thanks once again, and I look forward to next weeks post.

  • Segun Olawepo

    Good one

  • Bosede Alabi

    Thanks for your ever-inspiring posts. We all definitely need to keep growing. Our attitude toward situations do matter a lot. I’m immensely thankful for the encouragement and vital tips.
    Turning off unnecessary notifications has helped me to avoid valueless distractions over the past year and kept me more focused on more important things. As a life-long learner, growing is limitless. I hope to incorporate more valuable activities into my days.
    Thanks again, Yemi. May your vision be broadened and your strength renewed. I look forward to more posts.

  • Bukola Ajayi

    Excellent reminder. Thank you

  • Oghale Ayetuoma

    Inspirational piece. Thank you

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