Purposeful Me

Is ‘your pot’ big enough?

Last week’s post was inspired by a plant so I thought I would continue the trend this week. Recently a friend gave me a plant and it was in a small pot, and she explained that if I wanted it to grow really big, all I needed to do was plant it in a larger pot. This particular plant’s size is determined by the space it is given.

I found this fascinating. Of course, I know the conditions that make plants grow but there are some plants that stay the same regardless of the size of their pots.

What does this mean for us?

Where we are planted and the conditions we are planted in will work together to determine our growth potentials and outcomes.

Where are you planted?

Have you figured out where you are meant to be?

Is working in a large or small company the right thing for you? Do you have to be in the city or will an opportunity in a quieter town suffice? Being in the right place at the right time makes a great difference to our journey in life. We owe it to ourselves to figure this out and not be influenced by other people’s choices. Just because everyone is moving somewhere doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

What company do you currently keep?

Have a look at the people who are closest to you and see if the qualities they possess enhance your life and uplift you. Who are the five people closest to you and what do you learn from them? It is said some of your future accomplishments will be determined by the companies you keep today. Some of us surround ourselves with only those who agree with our viewpoints or tell us only what we want to hear, so we miss out on opportunities to be and do better.

What are you feeding on?

Too many people feed on a junk diet but expect a dream body, sadly it doesn’t work like that. I see people who are obsessed with their bodies and have low self-esteem, yet they spend their time watching reality TV shows and magazines that are filled with people who are perfectly made up. It’s no surprise they feel bad about themselves.

In the same way, we can fill our minds with negativity or spend too much time with those who never see the good in any situation and lack an attitude of gratitude. It’s time to change your diet to achieve the life that you want.

My plant is still in a small pot because I haven’t made time to go find it a larger pot and I know I am stifling it and limiting its potential. Some of us are doing that, not to a plant, but to our lives.

As for me, I will go find my plant the right pot, the nutrients it needs and the best conditions for its growth. I am determined to get the best out of my plant even as I am determined to get the best out of my life.

I hope you are too. If so figure out the changes you need to make and start making them know. Set your future up for success by assessing today’s actions.

See you next week. I hope you stop by again and please share this with your contacts.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Henry B

    Thank you Yemi.

    This is a life changing word. Coming at the right time.
    Am touched.
    May God bless you so much.

  • Anne

    I am finding your words very true and therefore challenging Yemi.
    Influence of/ impact on others makes it so hard to think of/for myself. So reading your blog is a first step in improving my own well-being.

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