Purposeful Me

Change is coming. Get ready!

Sometimes change is forced on us, at others times, we seek out the change we want and go after it. The one thing I have found is that we have to be prepared for change regardless of how it comes about.

I have seen too many people stuck in the same place because they are afraid of change while others put much-needed changes on hold whilst going after other things. A constant thing in life is change and we need to embrace it when it comes.

Our bodies change as we get older and we can’t stop the change unless we are willing to have a plastic surgeon on our payroll. Children leave home, relationships end, health and financial changes happen and sometimes even the inevitable happens leaving a hole in people’s lives and bringing about unexpected changes.

The workplace changes around us and the longer we are with some companies, the more we have to offer but the more expensive we also become. Quite often, when cost cuttings are needed, too many companies or leaders look to cut their most expensive employees. It makes sense as desperate times call for desperate measures.

Gone are the days of jobs for life but many people make choice after choice that suggests they think they have a job for life. They postpone their dreams even when the handwritings are on the wall. People make a choice to stay in a bad job because of a boss who eventually leaves for the job of their own dreams, in a heartbeat, leaving them in a bind.

Some bosses will go as far as to ask you to support their businesses and dreams but the same person will not hesitate to tell you they need to let you go when it suits their agenda.

It’s not all doom and gloom. Some changes bring fantastic opportunities for us and others will be challenging.

What can we do to better prepare ourselves for change?

Have a plan

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? If so, start to look into it now. I know you have the next 3 – 5 years of your career life mapped out, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do a bit of side work on your life plan. If you’ve always wanted to write or learn a skill, find some time to start today. If you hope to start a business someday, start saving towards it now. You never know when your plan will need to be fast tracked.

Focus on your own personal development

It may look like you are indispensable today and you might be tempted to put your life on hold but a day will come when you realise you’re not indispensable and you’re also not ready for the change. Figure out the future of your industry and prepare for it so you always have marketable and needed skills.

Invest in your own dreams

An African proverb says, ‘you don’t carry someone else’s luggage on your head while carrying yours on your shoulders’.

This is because your shoulders will get tired quicker and you’re more likely to abandon your own luggage. Simply put, as you run with others, don’t lose sight of your own passions, dreams and projects. Find time to invest in your own dreams too.

img_2448Accept that change is inevitable

Know that you won’t always be surrounded by the same people so be ready to own any decisions you make without regrets. If you choose to stay in a job, business or take an internship because of a relationship, there is no guarantee. Take a risk and hope for the best. Learn from every experience and remember what doesn’t break you will make you.

Change is coming. Will you be ready for it? You can be but you need to prepare for it today.

Thank you for stopping by and don’t forget to share this with someone else. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Jane Cook

    Thank you Yemi. Since reading your blogs since you began, I have felt a gradual change within myself. Very different from what I ever expected it to be and as you say, change can sometimes be unexpected. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all bad! My confidence is growing, I am much more independent, I am no longer afraid of being just ME. I pray you will be blessed abundantly as you help so many people. Hope you’re enjoying Israel xx

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