Purposeful Me

Some very royal lessons

No one does royal weddings like the British and the latest one was not an exception. Millions of people from around the world watched the bride marry her prince to much pomp and pageantry.

It was an opportunity for hope, faith and love to be restored to the hearts of many. For others it was about the celebration, pride in the royal institution, fashion and the cake. Many careers were made over the weekend.

Millions now know the British wedding gown designer and future designs of clothes, cakes and event planning will be shaped by this weekend.

As I write this week’s post, I thought it was only fitting that I share my life and career lessons from the royal wedding weekend. 

Invest in and nurture a dream

Most little girls dream of marrying a prince some day. Others dream of becoming a pilot, doctor, astronaut, nurse, teacher, engineer or a mom. It’s not about the career choice, rather it’s that they have a dream.

Question is, ‘did Meghan’s parent know they were raising a daughter who would become a future duchess in England?’ If they knew that, would they have done any thing different in how they raised her?

Would her acquaintances, co-workers, friends and family members have acted differently if they had caught a glimpse of her future?

What can you do differently today as a parent or carer, a co-worker, friend or family member that will make sure you can be a beautiful part of someone’s dream and future story.

Prepare for your future

Did Meghan know she would be married to her prince some day and how did she prepare for this?

We can learn from her determination to become a successful actress, overcoming the challenges and odds of a tough industry, the grace with which she carried herself and the causes she lent her voice and time to.

She didn’t start to show these qualities after she met her prince. She was already a person that was worth taking another look at, one that would confirm she’s the one.

So how are you preparing for your future? Dreams don’t just become a reality. They take time, effort, determination and you have to keep working at it till your Master, prince or moment comes. 

Wait for your moment to come

While you are waiting for your moment, make sure you don’t give up or check out of the race called life. Keep going, stay busy doing the right things and start building a resume, dossier or legacy that will be ready when your moment comes.

It wasn’t just Meghan and Harry waiting for their moments, many of the invited guests were too. Some guests were there because of their accomplishments or service to others and many were shocked to get an invitation.

What led to their invitation to a royal event had been years in the making. They, like you, might have wondered, ‘who sees me and what I am doing in this little corner?’. Someone sees. Royalty sees you and all you need to do is stay faithful until you are called out for public recognition.

Plan for your big day

Many thoughts and attention to details went into their big day and they did an incredible job. Your big day might be an audition or job interview, perhaps it’s meeting a new boss, moving to a new company or meeting your future partner or new family member.

How are you planning for your big moments in life? Hopefully with the same level of thought and care that guarantees a successful outcome.

When things don’t go to plan

We always want the best and right outcomes but sometimes even the best laid-out plans don’t pan out. For Meghan, her father could not be there to walk her down the aisle as expected.

She had choices to make starting with whether she would let that ruin her day. Then she had to come up with a plan B that would make her the talk of millions.

When things don’t go to plan, take a step back and come up with another alternative. See it as a blessing and an opportunity to re-imagine a new reality, set a new precedence and dream even bigger.

Show up in style 

Finally when you’ve done all, show up ready to own your stage – the one you have prepared for. Enjoy the journey and all the beautiful moments.

Thank you for reading my posts. I would love to hear about what spoke to you this weekend. Please like, share and follow my blog. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Rosemary Leach

    Great teaching Yemi. Sounds so simple do want we know to do best of all in the getting ready to be called out from the hidden place in the the Lord for surely it will come for such a time as this. X

  • Benny Ojiakor

    Wow, Yemi: this really blessed and challenged to be prepared, determined and intentional toward my life goals & visions.

  • Banji Adeleye.

    Spontaneous & current, yet meaningful & impactful.

    More grace to your efforts Yemi!

  • John Bell

    Thank you Yemi for your post. So relevant to us all

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