Purposeful Me

Location, Location, Location

I watched a video clip of a Google employee talking about Visual Positioning System (VPS) being the next step up from Global Positioning System (GPS).

I’m delighted about that as too many times, I have wondered what direction 10 yards SW is. Having a visual positioning system, that will use my location and identified landmarks to direct me is exciting.

This got me thinking about where we are going in life – career, relationship and business. Where do we need to get to from our current location? Do we have the right infrastructures to help us get there with minimal mistakes along the way?

Are we using a GPS which sometimes doesn’t work or gives unclear direction that requires us to initially go the wrong way just to figure out what the right way is?

Here are some of my thoughts on this

Figure out your starting point and final destination

The two things every gadget needs to direct us are our starting and end locations. For any goals or life journey, we need to map out the road.

If our starting point is unclear, chances are we will waste resources and if our end point is unclear, we will miss our destination. So do an honest assessment of where you are, which might mean facing some denials that you’re currently living in.

Maybe you blame everyone, but you, for your current position, you believe the odds are stacked against you, you don’t have what it takes or perhaps it’s just not your luck. If so, it’s time to bin these thoughts and take a risk on yourself.

Doing nothing produces nothing but taking a risk could result in something.

Determine the best route to get to your destination.

Through my career, I had short, medium and long-term plans to help achieve my goals. I found that when I meticulously followed them, I achieved most of my goals in the set timescales.

How are you going to get to your destination? Do you have a plan and are you committed to it? Every step you take should move you closer to your end goal if you have created the right plan.

A plan is just a bunch of ideas until you follow through. Keep your plans in plain sight so you and others can hold you to account.

Find a mentor

Mentors have made a difference in my personal and professional lives.

Some have stretched and challenged me, giving me the confidence to put myself forward for opportunities sooner that I would have wanted to. This has resulted in fantastic outcomes and proving to myself that I am more capable than I sometimes give myself credit for.

Mentors can help get you to your destination, saving you time and effort as you learn from their expertise and experience. This is similar to Google app giving you directions that improves your chances of getting to your destination quicker.

Enjoy the journey

The Google VPS will use landmarks to give you directions so you will notice places that you might have missed when focused on an arrow.

There will be opportunities for ‘wow’ moments, surprises and learning. That’s a potential stopover for coffee and cake or perhaps appreciation of art through the window of an independent Art store/gallery.

The journey can become more exciting so we need to make a decision to enjoy it. Quite often we are so focused on just the destination that stress and frustration kick in and we miss out on all the potential opportunities.

Be ready to change direction

When driving, we come across road bumps, road works and even roads closed. We don’t sit on the side of the road and moan about the obstacles. We are more likely to make a u-turn or look for a side road. We only complain and wait for the road to be opened if it’s the only way.

So why is it that when we encounter bumps, works and dead-ends on our life journey, some of us literally sit by the side of the road complaining? Let’s take a cue from our driving experience and apply that to our life journeys.

My challenge for us this week is that we take an honest look at where we are and determine what needs to change. Create a plan and start working on it today. Take the first step and keep moving forward.

Thank you for stopping by to read my post. Please like, share and follow me. I will see you next week.

In case you missed last week’s post, here’s the link: https://purposefulme.co.uk/2018/05/21/some-very-royal-lessons/

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Chidinma j George

    Love this article. Very apt for me at this time.

    • Carol

      Hi Yemi, I’m reading this and laughing because you address some things I’ve been talking to myself about! Bless you thanks for the encouragement

  • Bamitale


  • Sandie Waddell

    Thank you Yemi , as I sit here with my Jesus and read this it was HIM speaking to my soul .
    I have big business decisions to make theses next weeks and this has let me off to a flying start
    Thank you xxx

  • Okunlola Omoniyi

    This lines are motivating, thanks

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