Purposeful Me

What if ….

I dashed into my local supermarket to pick up a few items. As I juggled my handbag, two shopping bags, car keys and my cup of coffee, I dropped my keys.

An older gentleman bent down to help me get them even as I tried to do so myself. We chatted for a bit and he commented that I was a very happy person and I responded that life was too short not to choose happiness.

He replied, “especially when you get to my age”. He must be in his seventies. Again I smiled and responded that it was the case even at my much younger age.

As the encounter came back to me later in the day, it got me thinking. What if we lived our lives as though life was really short? After all there is no doubt that it is.

What if we didn’t wait until we are retired or in our seventies to choose to be happy? What if we lived each day as though it could be our last?

What would we do differently if we knew our last day is at hand? Would you be more fearless and go for the life that you really want? Or perhaps you will start that business or philanthropic venture because you can’t bear leaving it undone.

Would you make that call to repair a breach, resolve an ongoing conflict or tell someone you love them? Would you make amends with your neighbours, family, friends or colleagues?

How about dancing like you’ve always wanted to or singing karaoke even though it scares you half to death? You’re going to die anyway so the question is will you do those scary things or would the fear of doing them continue to hold you back?

If you knew time was short, would you reconsider the choices you’re making right now?

It could be career versus having a work-life balance, or spending quality time with the family instead of being a social media or reality TV junkie. Maybe you need to be more present in all your interactions with others.

Take a moment to consider how short life really is. Even if you live until you’re a hundred years, the years soon disappear.

Children grow up, teenagers pass that awkward phase, students graduate and leave home and it all happens in what appears to be a flash. Youthful strength and exuberance give way to maturity and then old age.

One day the things you postponed may become impossible to do or you could run out of time.

So rather than putting life on hold, do what scares you, do what inspires you to greatness, change a life today, change your own life, make that tough choice or reach out to that person.

Soon enough the things that scared you will lose their hold, the pride that’s keeping you bound will become pointless and the competition at any cost will become meaningless.

Living life as though it were short is a key to happiness, prosperity and success. It helps you to do away with procrastination.

Don’t wait to be happy, be happy now. Don’t wait to celebrate life, do so now. Don’t wait to tell someone you’ve forgiven them, forgive them now. Don’t wait to say sorry, say it now and say it anyway even if you don’t think it’s fair.

A lady in her eighties told me earlier in the week that she had a nice china tea set that she had never used as she was still waiting for a special occasion. I gently reminded her she wasn’t getting any younger and that it’s probably time to use the china before it’s too late.

Most of us do it on some level. We all have possessions that we could be enjoying now but we save it for a day that’s coming, a day that might never come.

Don’t delay enjoying all the good things life has to offer. Why?

Because life really is too short and you’ve only got this one so make it count. Live it well and live it as full as you can. Use your fine bone china today. No one deserves it any more than you.

Thank you for reading my post. I would love for you to share what you will do differently on the back of it. Please take a moment to share this with others. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Titilayo

    Waooooohhh.. Darling Yemi, you just buttressed my point of discuss with my kids yesterday. I read one of my lslamic books titled” Don’t be Sad” and in there the author said ” As humans we should live this minute as if we wouldn’t see the next second”. This touched me and l shared with my kids. If we all live with these notes in our hearts and on our minds surely there will be no need for acquisition of ill-gotten wealth.
    Thanks for this inspirational piece again. Koni tan nibi ti eti ‘nmu Ooo. Remain blessed forever.

    • Olusegun Bayode

      You are very much on point. It’s like the case of a drowning man, even if he has a rolex watch on and iphone x in his pocket, those things will not matter to him. what will be top on his priority list is to get fresh air to breathe. We need to set aside every distraction and focus more on the needful.

  • Folajimi

    Dear Yemi,

    The big “What if” … it can propel us, or (unfortunately) make us freeze !

    Thanks again for this

  • Bamitale

    Thank you once again.

  • Olusegun Bayode

    Hmm….. Truly speaking, facing death, has an amazing power to alter our priories. However, whatever becomes the priority is our choice. It is either we make lemonade out of the lemon or we complain about the sour taste.
    Thanks for this insightful write-up Yemyem.

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