Purposeful Me

Celebrating purpose, ambition and tenacity. Celebrating Christine!

My week has been one of special celebrations, first my son’s graduation followed by a friend’s 50th birthday celebration.

This week’s post is inspired by someone who lives and breathes Purpose, Ambition and Tenacity.

I have known Bukola Christine Olatunji for almost thirty-seven years and seen her continually aim for quality and excellence. Bukky, as she’s fondly known, challenges mediocrity believing and aiming to do the best in whatever she does.

Her reasoning is, ‘why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary and why be good if you can be great? Why settle for less when you can accomplish so much more?’

These are excellent questions for everyone to consider.

Things didn’t always come easy for her. There was a time when she needed three concurrent jobs just to make ends meet and take care of her family.

The interesting thing is there are still people who have stayed in that same position while she has gone on to build many successful businesses.

‘What are the drivers for this?’, you might ask. Having known Bukky over the years, there are lessons we can learn from her journey.

Know and pursue your purpose

Bukky has always had clarity of what her purpose is and knows she was created to do so much more than the average person believes is possible.

Recently, I had the pleasure of spending a day with her as we toured her businesses. They are so diverse yet have two things in common – Quality and excellence.

Be innovative and creative

The scope of her businesses shows how her mind works and she never stops coming up with new business ideas and innovative products. Her ideas come quicker than she can implement them. Her passion for innovation is backed by her ambitious drive to make them happen and create the business and life she wants.

As part of her birthday celebration, she road-tested a new set of dining wares ‘fit for a king’. Her desire to give the best and her innovation resulted in her own line of products.

One can only imagine the passion and dedication it takes to make that happen while planning a big personal event and running existing businesses. Check out the website on https://ekofoodmarket.com

Be hardworking and tenacious

She has overcome many personal, health and business related challenges. Her passion and dedication to her work means she gets round to the shop floors of all her businesses. This is very key to driving and maintaining quality. Her hands on approach results in consistent services across all her ventures.

Invest in people and treat them well

Her employees are treated like family members and consequently, they help manage her businesses with passion, dedication and commitment.

When life gives you lemon, what you do is up to you

Bukky has been handed many lemons in her time but she always finds a way to turn them to lemonade. She is resilient and as she’s dealt with these challenges, she has come out more gracious and appreciative of her God, family, friends and life.

Surround yourself with a great team who can hold you up and push you forward

Bukky is surrounded by a family that loves her and supports her pursuits. Her husband is as dedicated to their businesses as she is. He’s not afraid of the hard work it takes to keep up with an innovator whose mind never stops working.

As her family members watch her live her life passionately, I have no doubt she’s inspiring the next generation.

Her life sends the message that, ‘there are no limits or barriers except the ones you allow, there are no mountains that can’t be climbed if you don’t give up and there’s no shame in starting from the bottom as long as you know you don’t have to remain there.’

Have the right attitude

Bukky is one of the most respectful, honouring and humble persons I know. Despite her successes, you would find her in her businesses doing anything that needs to be done as she’s not one to play boss.

As we all start a new week, take a moment to identify the phrases that you would like to describe the way you do life and business. You can use these phrases to define your daily actions.

Someday an article or a blog post like this will highlight those phrases as your own trademark or branding.

Thanks for reading this blog. Please share with others and see you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Uzo

    I sure loved reading about Bukky’s many wins despite the lemons.

    I was sharing this same thing with friends yesterday… always surround yourself with people who will push you to become better.

    Thank uou so much Yemi for this beautiful piece

  • My darling Yemi, my friend and sister,
    Thank you for this mind blowing write up about me. I have always known that you will go places with your thoughts and powerful expressions of words, which is now reaching out to people to form, shape and rediscover their new beginning. I really appreciate you and Mattew ‘s presence at the event.
    I love you both, more wisdom from God as you continue to reach out to people.
    Olubukola Christine Olatunji

  • Olanrewaju Funmilayo

    Waooh you couldn’t have described Bukky better. This piece is so succinctly put. I’ve known Bukky for many years now and can truly say SHE IS A GOAL GETTER. Wishing you many more purposeful years ahead.

  • Patricia Olanrewaju

    I have known mama Ayo as I fondly called her for more than 22 years. She is one in a million, she has encouraged me in many ways more than words can express, I remember when we use to do monthly contributions, hmmmmmmmm, when she use to sell cloths and shoes at Tower bridge road ( mine and yours) how she use to give parts of the cloths she buys as whole sales to me to sell at my work place and for me to only pay the factory prices, she does this to encourage me to become somebody, hmmmm I can never forget how we use to talk like sisters……………. etc I sincerely rejoice with you on your golden jubilee and the mercies of God in your life. You are such a wonderful lady to associate with, I am very proud of you, ride on sis👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  • Oluwasegun olawepo

    Inspiring. Thank you

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