Purposeful Me

Mind Your Language

This week’s post is inspired by a video a friend sent to me. It was all about the power of the words that we speak. I shared it with other people and they have all come back to me renewing their commitments to ‘Minding their words’.

Words are powerful. These include the words you speak out, ruminate on and the words that others have spoken over or concerning you.

Science is now proving that the types of words you speak matter. It’s no longer strange to admit you speak to your plant. Plants that have positive words spoken over them thrive. Go figure.

If plants thrive through the power of the spoken word, consider the impact of your words on others. Consider the impact of words on you.

What are you saying and what are you listening to? Whose words matter to you and should all the words you hear matter?

What words do you say to yourself when no one is listening and when they are?

Your unspoken words are your thoughts. So what are you thinking about. ‘As you think in your heart, so are you’, ‘You become your thoughts’.

My challenge for us this week is that we begin to pay attention to the words we speak, listen to and think about.

Choose who and what you listen to

Whose report do you believe? I choose to believe the ‘Truth’ and I know the truth can only come from my Creator who had some thoughts in mind when He fashioned me fearfully and wonderfully.

If you can imagine that someone took time to make you with all the intricacies that you are, if you consider that you are so unique that there’s only one of you, what do you imagine your creator says about you?

I bet He’s saying words like – “you are special, you are unique and different, you are intentionally made, you are not ordinary, you are a beauty to behold, you are everything I intended”.

Craftsmen never stop perfecting their crafts and when they launch their creation, they are proud of it. You are made by the Master craftsman.

Choose to only listen to and believe the words that align with the Master craftsman’s words.

Change your own language

We all had great laughs when watching the TV show ‘Mind your language’. It was so easy for situations to be hilariously misconstrued. It’s time to change your own language and begin to say good things to yourself.

Remind yourself that you are worthy, precious, loved and priceless. You are talented and robed with beauty. You have everything you need to take you to the next level in your life. You are surrounded by a great cloud of people who want the best for you and wish you nothing but good. You are not a quitter but an over-comer. You can do all things through God who gives you strength.

Many of us wish we were slimmer, younger, smarter, more organised, wealthier or perhaps more popular. There will always be thoughts that says, ‘You are not enough as you are’ but this is a lie.

If you need to lose a few pounds, then commit to doing just that.

Don’t speak bad words about your size, just do something about it and celebrate the awesome person that you are.

Words can create disease, despair, chaos, fear, intimidation, low self-esteem, conflicts and disappointments.

On the flip side, words can create ease, healing, hope, peace, positive self-esteem, resolve conflicts and turn situations around.

Which words would you rather speak or listen to? Choose well and mind your language.

As we start a new week, make a choice to mind your language. Mind the words you speak about yourself, your children, marriage, family, job, employer, community and your nation.

Thank you for reading my post. Please share with others and have a great week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Emmanuel

    Thanks for this reminder.

  • Sam

    Another factual sign post on the road to greatness! Vintage Yemi thanks for this again. At times when you feel you know it all and relax, the tendency to be careless with words take over. Only rare and straight-to-the-point posts like this can bing us back to being vigilant with words. Thanks Yemi, I’m blessed

  • Bosede Alabi

    Thanks and have a blessed week.

  • Ruth Bakes

    Thanks Yemi. Spurred me on for better words. God bless you. Love, Ruth xxx

  • Louise Burke

    Fantastic post, thank you Yemi. In my work words are so important but this reminds me of their power in EVERY sphere of life.

  • Olusegun Bayode

    Proverbs 18:21 came to mind as i read through the article. The scripture says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”
    This reminds us that choice of words to speak out lies with the person speaking and to that extent, we must strive to ensure that every word that comes out of out mouth gives life.
    Thanks for sharing Yemyem.

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