Purposeful Me

Fear Not 2.0

My last post focused on fear on a personal level but today, I want to share some thoughts on fear on a global level.

We are constantly bombarded with images that place danger and hopelessness at the forefront of our minds. Unfortunately many now see the world through the lens of fear.

Fear is used by many leaders and news agencies with the masses bombarded all hours of the day. A Google search of ‘Fear’ brings up names of world leaders who consistently push the message of fear.

Now we have what is called the ‘Politics of fear’ where leaders push a message of fear for the sake of their personal agendas and ambitions.

Facts and figures are not always used. Sadly too many have rewarded them by swallowing the message of fear. Common sense is no longer as common as it suggests.

One ‘global fear’ that stands out is the Y2K hysteria. Much speculation was in the media about 2000 New Year’s Eve and whether computers would cope. There was panic until the world was still the world on New Year’s Day.

Recently it was ‘#Brexit’. What will happen if Britain stays versus leaves the EU?

Many figures were banded by both sides until the voters could no longer separate the truth from lies.

It became a game of scare mongering. Long after the vote, the fear mongering continues.

All around the world, we see fear motivating insecurities, division, conflicts and wars. In many African nations election campaigns are lacking in verifiable facts and figures. Instead conspiracies, lies and fears are sold to the masses.

Social media has become a tool in the hands of the perpetrators. Anyone can make a recording, purporting all sorts of claims and find people to share it on their behalf.

So what should be our response when a few have turned fear into a new way of working?

Don’t be complicit

For fear to lead to mass hysteria, the perpetrators need people to drive it. Just because something is trending doesn’t make it true. Before you share posts guaranteed to instil fear in others, ask yourself, ‘Why?’

Why do you need to share it? What purpose is it meant to fulfil? What reaction will it elicit?

Don’t be lazy

Do your own investigation. During the lead-up to elections, many politicians will quote wrong statistics or misrepresent the right figures. We need to challenge people when they make claims or share a view that we know have a sinister agenda.

Don’t go with the tide

Just because others are making an argument doesn’t make it right, true or just. Just because a respected person says something doesn’t guarantee what they are saying is right. We need to separate our relationships and regards for people from their viewpoints.

Be proactive

Evil continues when good people do nothing. A lie becomes the truth when those with the truth stay silent.

Be proactive in challenging fears and speaking peace, love and faith to calm situations.

Be proactive in challenging people’s opinions and in speaking for victims.

Be mindful of fake news

In an era when some will do anything to be famous, we need to be more mindful. Use the resources available to you to verify claims before sharing them wider. If you mistakenly share fake news, do the right thing and recall or correct them.

Press delete

Switch off the TV or change channels, delete the video or message, delete a Facebook or twitter post, remove a photograph from Instagram. Feel free to unfollow people.

‘Delete’ is underused. We have a choice to filter what comes into our minds and what we pass on to others. Be your brother’s keeper and press delete more often. Let people create their own drama or hysteria but don’t play a role in it.

Take charge

Choose to take charge and change the narrative. I am reminded of how the city of Manchester, UK fought back following a terror attack at a musical concert.

They made conscious decisions to resist the fear, created reasons for people to be out and about the city.

They mourned and stood together in their diversity. Acts of kindness reconnected people over a shared experience.

As we start another week, think about the fears and tensions in your workplace, neighbourhood, city and nation. Consider the motivations and who stands to gain or lose in the scheme of things.

Make a decision and dare to be different. Challenge the FEAR status quo. Stand up to FEAR. Thank you for reading and sharing this with others. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Michelle Hewitt

    Well said Yemi, fake news often feeds what you want to believe and it’s good to search for the truth rather than listening to one person’s opinion. I’ve remembered the proverb that says “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of kings is to search out a matter” we have to put our faith and trust in our Heavenly Father who loves us and His love drives out all fear.

  • C Comrie

    100% I agree Yemi! I’m personally sick of the posts and texts I get that are full of fear and scaremongering. I will be sharing your post far and wide 👍🏾😁

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