Purposeful Me

It’s Party Time

I can’t believe it has been a year since I started this blog. Hooray, ‘Purposeful Me’ Blog is a year old and what a year it has been.

There have been moments when I’ve wondered what came over me to get me to commit to writing a weekly blog. At other times, I have wondered what to write or if I would get inspired in time.

52 posts later and somehow I found something worthwhile to share each week. I’m amazed that what to write always comes although sometimes it was just-in-time.

I have written posts in transit, hotel rooms, Hospital wards and in A&E while waiting for doctors. I wrote some in the middle of the night, some in advance and others at the last-minute.

As I think about the past year, here are a few thoughts on the journey so far:


I am grateful for my family and friends who have supported this journey and especially grateful for my readers. Without you all, this blog wouldn’t be as fulfilling. Thank you for reading and sharing it with others. I pray it continues to encourage you and commit to continually making it worth your while


Every blogger has to deal with some fears – not having the right content, not engaging your audience and fear of not getting a topic on time. All these can be summed up as a fear of failure.

You feel a need to constantly out-do your last post and frankly speaking you think you are only as good as your last post.

I read a tip from another blogger as he described himself as someone who loves and is committed to blogging even if no one reads it. I realised that was a key to handling the fear.

So what if the readership is inconsistent or only a few people commented on a post?

My job is to be faithful in writing every post, do the best to publicise them and trust that the rest will work out and those who need to be encouraged by each post will read it.

Taking Risks

It was risky to commit to writing a blog. It wasn’t on my radar to do but when I felt led to do it, I had to dive in at the deep end not minding the cost.

Did I think I would still be here a year later? Mostly yes, but I must admit there were the odd times I allowed myself to think of a way out.

Reminding myself quitting was not the end of the world, gave me the permission to go for it.

img_0398-1Growing Up

I surprise myself with each post I write. I get to create a content that I didn’t know was inside of me and I pay attention to life as it informs a lot of the content.

I get to celebrate other people and not be self-obsessed. In reality, each post stretches and challenges me helping me to grow.

Making a Difference

Many people are overwhelmed by the problems and challenges they see in the world. We might be tempted to think the problem is huge and we are insignificant. There is no truth in that. We can all make a difference.

The blog allows me to be a blessing and make a difference. I am encouraged by people who let me know the impact it is having.

Playing Favourites

I have loved and felt more connected to some posts more than others. My readers have loved some posts more than others but what I have loved has not always matched up with what they’ve loved.

img_0397-2And that’s okay. Life is like that.

Not everything is everyone’s cup of tea and no matter what we do, not everyone is going to respond in the way we thought or hoped. All we can do is to keep moving forward.

So here’s to the next 52 posts. Thank you for supporting my journey.

Please make a commitment to share the blog with someone this week. It would be great if more people can be encouraged. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Rosemary Leach

    Thank you Yemi for your faithfulness. I have been greatly encouraged over the weeks. Also to have known you a little before & to were you are now. Totally Amazing
    Blessings Rosemary

  • Judith Alfa

    Congratulations Yemi,
    All the best. More blessings more favour.

  • Sam

    Congrats Yemi. 52 thumbs up for each week and a loud ovation for the whole year.
    This part got to me: “…and trust that the rest will work…”. As you start a new year, keep up being faithful and the rest will keep on working out by His grace.

  • William Adelekan

    We praise God for inspiring you to bless many people including me.
    I look forward to reading the next 52 blogs.

  • Claire Pope

    Congratulations Yemi!! I only came across your blog a couple of weeks ago and I’ve already been inspired and encouraged by your words. I’m certain that you will continue to help lots of people xx

  • Bamitale saheed

    Waoooooo. A year already.

    Congratulations and thank you for touching lives.

    Wishing you the very best in coming years

  • Oyinlola

    I have been encouraged by your posts and have shared them and their ideas with friends. What an inspiring milestone! Thank you, Auntie!

  • Bosede Alabi

    Congratulations on the completion of your first year! Your posts have been quite encouraging, despite inability to respond to some of them.

    Keep writing and uplifting, and a trust that you will continually have great topics to energize everyone who gets to read.
    Blessings to you and your family!

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