Purposeful Me

Me and You! 2.0

‘Becoming a better version of ourselves’

I came across this phrase today on the wall of a local school and it immediately resonated with me.

When I started ‘Purposeful Me’ Blog in November 2017, my goal was simply to help people become better versions of themselves.

The question is, ‘What does a better version of ourselves look like?’ And why should this be our goal?

This is a personal question that we all need to answer. Our answers will depend on who we are and what areas of our lives could do with some improvements.

It requires honest and critical self-reflections on our part. We may need to talk to the people closest to us to get an honest assessment.

For me, a better version of myself is the version that my Creator had in mind when I was lovingly made – a version who understands her identity, worth, place and her assignment in this world.

It’s a version who is more loving, accepting of others, more forgiving, vocal at the right times and places, a version who does not live in fear but one who lives in hope because she knows the source of hope.

The better version of me understands the value and worth of others and that we are all beloved creations of God.

I have a calling to help others to become better versions of themselves and to do this, I also have to continue to be a better version of myself.

Anything less than this would be hypocritical.

My latest book, ‘The Purposeful Life Project’ was designed and written to help people move from current to better versions of themselves.

This is the version who leverages passion, discovers their unique assignments, and achieves their goals, dreams or aspirations.

Kindness, humility, love for humanity, fairness, inclusion, adaptability, creativity, problem solving and resilience are words we need to consider as we look at what our better version looks like.

Do we do unto others what we would like done to us? Do we consider the impact on others when we place a demand on them?

Do we expect others to put us and our desires first even when it is clear it’s not the right thing for them to do?

The local college is dedicated to helping their students become better versions of themselves because they know it is the right thing to do. It’s also the right thing for us.

For some of us, a better version will look like finally writing that book you’ve always wanted to write, starting that business or creating a product the world is desperate for.

Maybe it’s adopting a child from the other end of the world and committing to help cover their costs so they know they matter and that they are loved. A small monthly cost to you could be the difference between a future with or without hope for that child.

A better version of you might need to focus more on your family, business or career or require you to be more accepting of others and their differences from you.

The undeniable fact is that we can all be and do better. There’s always room for us to be better.

It’s time to DREAM!

As we start a new week, take some time to reflect on what that better version of you looks like.

Make some notes about the changes you need to make and create an action plan to help you make the improvements happen. Keep a journal so you can track your progress and keep a record of your gratitude.

Thanks for reading my posts. Many of you tell me that you find the posts useful so a question is, ‘given their usefulness to you, are you sharing them with others?’

The better version of me wants the best for others even as I want it for myself.

Please share this blog and post with others as an expression of your love and generosity. Thank you and have a great week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Comfort Balogun

    I thank God for what He is using you to torch lives.
    I am married for 23 years. i had 3 beautiful daughters. Unfortunately I lost my 2nd daughter July 2017 at the age of 19. was sick in school briefly and she didn’t make it.
    That’s my whole world! Tell me what to do. My heart breaks!

  • Mrs Bukola Ajayi

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