Purposeful Me

What Are You Here For?

‘I am here to make money, you are here to get fit.’

That’s what my aqua aerobics instructor said to the group at the start of a class. She reminded us to pay attention to get the best out of the class.

I found that I couldn’t get away from what she initially said, so I pondered it some more.

She was there to do a job and get paid. She prepares to do an effective job but this translates to nothing unless her students are as committed as she is, bearing in mind the different reasons we have to be there.

This got me thinking about the importance of ‘Purpose and Individual responsibilities’.

It dawned on me that it was up to me to get the best out of each session and to do that, I had to stay focused on why I was there.

I can choose to chat during the class and the instructor still gets paid. If I don’t pay attention and I miss some instructions, she still gets paid. If I don’t get the health benefits of taking her classes, she still gets paid.

So what does that tell me? It tells me she is accomplishing her goal by fulfilling her purpose and I need to take a step back to check that I am also doing the right things that will get me my desired results.

Simply put, I need to answer the question, ‘what am I here for?’

We all need to ask and answer that question, ‘what am I here for?’

What are you on earth for? What are you in that workplace or Business for? What are you in your neighbourhood for? What are you in that relationship for? What are you in that College for?

When we ask and answer these questions, there is a good chance that we may need to make some changes to make sure we accomplish the real reasons why we are here.

Asking this simple question during my class took my focus and determination to a higher level. I was more mindful of my actions.

I was reminded that I had to keep my eyes on the ball and remember that we all have different reasons for being in any given place.

Here are some considerations and actions:

Figure out why you are here

‘Here’ can refer to any thing, place or purpose. What are you there for? Write this down and ponder on it.

For me I was in that class to get fit so the next question then becomes, ‘am I accomplishing my goal for being there?’ Am I fulfilling purpose? Are you fulfilling your purpose?

Collective or individual responsibility

Once you know what you are there for, a good point to consider is whether or not everyone is there for the same reason and equally committed.

There is a good chance that everyone has a different reason for being there and if that’s the case, your actions and responses can’t be the same as everyone else’s. Consider if you need to take individual responsibility or take part in a collective responsibility.

Work out the actions you need to take and take them

There may be actions you need to take to fulfil your purpose or reason for being there.

You need to figure why you are where you are and have that clarity to move forward. It may be that you realise you need to take more ownership of your actions or change course completely.

Never lose sight of why you are there

We can’t afford to lose sight of our purpose in life and our purposes in whatever we find to do or wherever we find ourselves. The moment you lose sight of ‘purpose’ you are subject to abuse or misuse.

If I forget I am there to get fit, then I will easily get distracted and miss the mark. Same applies in life, if you forget why you exist, you will be distracted by everything around you. So, keep your eyes on the ball.

Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing my weekly posts. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Mrs Bukola Ajayi

    Thank you sis. Reminding us why we are here . That helps to put things into perspective. Right order .

  • OLOTU Oluwagbemiga

    Great write-up Aunt Yemi…It’s very important to keep your eyes on the ball so as not to become the subject of abuse or misuse. This is very timely!

    • Oguntuase John oludayo

      Very insightful eye openers thanks alot

    • Oguntuase John oludayo

      Very insightful eye openers thanks alot

  • Yahaya Titilayo

    Dear Yemi,
    As usual this is inspirational and educative. A lot of people in life do not have a focus and so they don’t owe anyone explanation for not being up and doing at whatever stage in their lives. I tell my newly employed teachers from time to time that no one forced them to the classroom and as such they must be ready to go with laid down rules and regulations as regards the profession. They don’t even possess the teaching qualifications in the first instance so you see them struggling with lesson plans and Scheme of work on daily basis.
    But for some of them who are focused and have a purpose for being in the school environment, they are learning fast and coping well with the situation they have found themselves.
    I totally agree with you on the issue of individuals recognizing their purpose in life and working towards achieving their set goals.

  • Carol

    yes Yemi David is in his element because his team, Liverpool won the cup by keeping their eyes on the ball. A good reminder that we need to check ourselves and ourself why we are here. Only last week I gave myself a stern reprimand! I was thinking and planning like im going to live forever! Thank you x

  • Uzo

    Keeping my eyes on the ball.
    Pursuing it with everything I’ve got as He gives me grace and strength.

    Thank you Sis for being His mouth piece.

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