Purposeful Me

Example or Warning! Which Are You?

You are either an example for others or you become a warning. Your actions and choices will either be an example or warning for others to follow or learn from.

We all have a choice to make as to which we would rather be. This covers a range of things from diet and nutrition, parenting, relationships, faith and the list goes on.

Many of us know the benefits of eating healthily, maintaining the right weight, monitoring our blood pressure and cholesterol reading among other things.

But this doesn’t mean we do what we know to be right. It’s much easier to give into our fleshly desires which if not curbed early could lead to many ailments. At this point we become warnings about what not to do.

In the same vein, I see people making choices today that will either make them an example or a warning to others.

Look around you today, and you will see people who were once wealthy barely making ends meet as they get older.

You see excessive plastic surgeries or substance abuse become problematic over time.

I have no doubt many were warned about their choices but they still chose the path that ends up making them a warning rather than an example.

I love rags to riches stories and those that show how people overcome adversities.

These stories showcase people who made the choice to make themselves examples rather than warnings.

Think about your choices today – career, friendships, relationships, parenting responsibilities and faith – and fast forward five or ten years, will you be an example or a warning? Will people look back and appreciate who you are because of your past decisions?

As a mother to two amazing young men, there have been times in the past where my actions and choices have been purely based on wanting to be an example to them rather than a warning.

My hope and prayer is that one day, when it’s their time to be examples or warnings to their children, they will choose right.

In the workplace, I saw my role not just as doing my day job but as an ambassador for future generations. I wanted to defy and challenge any stereotypes and narratives.

I wanted to pave the way for those coming behind me and that meant I needed to leave a lot of goodwill along the path.

Essentially I saw myself as a brand ambassador – a black Nigerian, woman, wife, mother and most importantly a lover of God.

This for me was my way of being an example rather than a warning for those coming after me.

At any point in time we can ask that question – Example or Warning, which will it be?

I would like to be an example rather than a warning. What about you? The good news is that we can start making the right choices today and re-write the future. It’s not too late or too early to start.

Thanks for reading my post. Please like, comment and share it with others. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Adebola Obayan

    It very insightful and I enjoyed it

  • Tomilayo

    God always help me to make right choices that will earn me positive reference

  • William Adelekan

    Thanks for your insight. Although many of us do our best to be good examples, the reality is that we are sometimes warnings to others. In this regard, King David was described as a man after God’s own heart but he let God down in a big way concerning his adultery with Bathsheba. We thank God that He does not give up on us even when we are warnings to others! If we are repentant, as King David was, God will forgive us and give us the grace to move on and be good examples again.

    May God continue to inspire you.

    William Adelekan.

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