Purposeful Me

Right or Easy? The Choice Is Yours

Choices are part and parcel of life and many times, we find ourselves at a crossroad and the choices between us are the right road or the easy road.

As the fictional character Albus Dumbledore said, “We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.”

Being confronted with the right or easy choices is one of the hardest things we will have to face in life. When faced with a difficult situation, what is our go to position?

When we are faced with a news headline we don’t like, is our go to position to seek the truth (the right choice) or do we take the easy road of concluding any news we don’t want to hear or face must be a lie, a blackmail attempt or an unwanted diversion.

Surely there can only be one right choice which is to seek the truth so that the right remedial actions or consequences can follow.

The easy road is often paved with denials and delusions while the right road can often be inconvenient and uncomfortable but if we stick with it, everyone on that road is better off at the end.

Before the #MeToo campaign started, many friends of the personality at the centre of the initial controversy were fully invested in his defence claiming the first one or two victims were not telling the truth.

As the evidence built up, it became clear that their trusts were poorly placed. Eventually taking the hard road helped Hollywood entertainment industry to acknowledge they had a problem that needed to be addressed.

Sadly this is becoming an all too familiar headline all across the world.

There is no doubt that false accusations can come from vindictive people but sometimes what we conclude to be false accusation could hold an element of truth.

As responsible adults and in fairness to all parties, we must embrace the desire to seek the truth. It’s only in seeking and finding the truth that true healing and progress happen.

Another area I see people struggle with the easy versus right road is when they are faced with unwelcome health news. Some people shut down and go into denial quite often refusing to see a doctor because they are afraid of the prognosis.

Some justify this by saying they would rather trust God and they don’t want any news that will taint or weaken their faith. Is this the right or easy road? The jury is out on that.

The one thing I remind myself is that the same God we say we trust also gave the wisdom and knowledge to the doctors. So is it possible that He might want us healed either by faith or through the hands of those He made and gifted for that purpose.

In reality isn’t the issue that we would rather take the easy road of denial rather than face an unwelcome news head on. Once we take the hard road, we get the strength, support and treatment we need.

And regardless of the outcome, we at least know we did everything we could and if we do go back home to our Creator, we know we went out swinging and leaving no stones unturned.

As we journey through life, my hope and prayer for us all is that we find the strength to go down the right road every time we are faced with a choice between the easy and the right road.

Take a moment to consider the options before you and choose the right road instead of the easier one.

Thanks for reading my post. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Sam

    The line concerning the doctor hit me. Even God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. Wisdom is the principal thing. I pray we take the right decision when faced with choices and for the strength to see it through.
    Thanks Yemi.

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