Purposeful Me

It’s All About The Seasons

As I watch the leaves fall, marking the start of autumn and end of summer, I find myself asking, ‘where did the time go?’.

Spring brings the beautiful colours of the flowers, summer brings the sunshine and longer days. There is something magical about waking up and drawing your curtains back to let in the glow and warmth of the sun.

Come autumn, I love the colours as the leaves change into all the different hues and shades of rich autumn colours and I especially look forward to getting my boots out.

Winter is not a season that I am too fond of even though there are some things that I love about winter.

I love the snow as long as I don’t need to drive through it and I enjoy the winter warming foods.

The one thing that is clear about the seasons is that each one is unique and should be appreciated for what it brings. Also each season must give way to the next when its time is up.

Every season is not a growing one, neither is every season a harvesting one. In some seasons you water, weed or fertilise the ground and in some seasons, you need to allow the ground to rest to be better positioned to perform well in the coming season.

This also applies to our lives. We all go through different seasons, some that we love and others that might come with challenges. Sometimes it’s a season for us to rest, rejuvenate or recuperate.

But in the same way that the seasons pass, our seasons also give way to the next.

So no matter how dire things may appear in a season, we will do well to remember that, ‘this too shall pass’. This helps us to hold on and hang in there until we see the season change.

So what can we do in each season that we find ourselves in?

Appreciate the uniqueness and importance of the season

We need to learn and choose to appreciate any season we are in and take advantage of the beautiful opportunities and lessons that it brings. Even if the season is tough, we will still find beauty in the midst of the chaos if we look for it.

Live and love your season well

In autumn, I remind myself that it’s time to take my boots out and enjoy wearing them.

In summer, I remind myself to enjoy eating the salads and in winter, I look forward to the warming teas, pies and soups. The point is that even though I don’t like everything about every season, there’s something to love in each one.

Then it simply becomes a matter of choosing to enjoy the season.

Season change so just hold on

I am reminded about a quote that says, “If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come” unknown

I have a beautiful plant that embodies all the seasons. If you see it for the first time in winter, it looks like twigs and there’s no beauty to it at all. Come early spring, the buds show up and by summer there are green leaves.

Autumn is when it comes into its own with the most vibrant colour imaginable. It’s most beautiful time is also the time closest to when it loses all its leaves.

In closing, we must learn and choose to trust God in every season, knowing fully well that we are loved beyond measure.

Remember that seasons change so enjoy the great seasons, and hang on through the more challenging ones.

Hold on to faith, anchor yourself in hope and give yourself to love in every season of life.

Thanks for reading my posts and sharing them with others. Have a great week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Bosede Alabi

    Thanks for the reminder, Yemi.

    We often get caught up with the desire to have things going smoothly, that we forget that there is a time and a season for everything. We often look at the “dry seasons” in our lives as a failure and try to find an immediate fix. We must always remember the importance of spotting the positives in seemingly undesirable situations.

    Thanks again and have a blessed week.

  • Mrs Bukola Ajayi

    A time and a season for every thing and every event under heaven. Thank you sis for this reminder

  • Gill Cochrane

    Thank you for the reminder. Really encouraged me.

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