Purposeful Me

A Perfect Day For Change

Firstly, thank you for your understanding over the past two weeks as we’ve worked behind the scenes to bring you a better experience. I’ve missed writing the posts and I know many of you noticed the break as we worked on the site. Thank you for bearing with us.

When the idea of having a blog came to me, I was clueless about the process but I did the best that I could with the hope that someday, I would get the site professionally updated.

As part of preparing for the second anniversary of the blog, I thought it was a perfect time to get the experts involved.

Photo credit: Pexels

This also came with other decisions – how much change is enough? Should some things be kept the same? What about those things that are not great but feel comfortable? What can I let go off and what should I hold on to?

As all these decisions came up, I realised there was a huge part of me that wanted to keep things ‘as is’ because they felt comfortable like an old pair of gloves or shoes.

Knowing some things needed to change did not make much difference to how tough I found the decision to change. I was forced to hear some hard truths about some of the things I wanted to keep.

Photo credit: Pexels

Funny enough, they weren’t telling me anything that I didn’t already know. Sadly, knowing did not make hearing about the changes any easier.

This got me thinking about all the changes we are often faced with. What do we do when we are faced with those tough change decisions?

What responses do you have?

Like me, perhaps fear, denial, delay tactics, indecision, challenging other people’s comments and justifying my position are some of the ways that you might have responded in the past.

I worked through all the emotions that I felt. I reminded myself that it’s fine to embrace change and if it doesn’t work out, I can always reconsider until I get it right. I also reminded myself of all the other positive changes that I get to make that will work out.

Photo credit: Pexels

Finally I thought about the driver for the change which is simply a desire to make the website better for my readers while keeping the purpose and integrity of the content intact.

So the question is what change do you need to make this week, month or year? What areas of your life need to change and what do you need to let go off to embrace the new? What hard truths do you need to hear and will you be open-minded to them?

So as we start a new ‘Purposeful Me’ Blog-year, I have made some changes to the website and I really hope you like them and continue to enjoy the Blog going forward.

You will see a new logo and hopefully better layout and navigation. You will also see a new Blog titled, ‘Purposeful Health’. Please check it out.

I didn’t know the blog would still be here two years on but, hey, it is and I’m determined to keep it going while also looking at other areas where we can become more purposeful.

Photo credit: Pexels

Here’s to a new year of Purposeful Me Blog. Happy 2nd birthday. Thank you for being part of the journey and my story. It means so much to me that I have readers in almost two hundred nations.

Just in case you’re wondering how to celebrate with me, all I want is for you to share the Blogs and the weekly posts with others so we can all strive towards being more purposeful.

Have a great week and remember that today is a perfect day for change. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think about the new website.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Abdulazeez Muhammad-Lawal

    Congratulations ma. The website is indeed very good and honestly got me glued to your post until I read it to the end. More grease to your elbow.

  • Eruke

    Huge kudos to you Yemi. Happy 2nd Birthday!!! The new layout is fabulous!

  • Matthew Adelekan

    A job well done for the new makeover of the website Looks very professional and easy to navigate
    I can’t believe it’s two years already !
    All the very best in your future endeavours

  • Rob Thompson

    Congratulations Yemi, shows lots of determination to help others and share valuable insights. Love the new look 😉

  • Taiwo

    The cool modern look and feel as well as simplified navigation, inherent in the website makes the short respite worth it after all. Indeed it’s a better experience for me.

    Happy anniversary!!! We look forward to more insights for a better and more purposely living.

    We love and celebrate you greatly.

  • Jane Adelekan

    CONGRATULATIONS Yemi for a job well done. A fresh look. Anticipating great write ups in the 3rd year. Kudos

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