Purposeful Me

You Matter More Than You Know

I came across this quote though I don’t know who said it.

It says, “If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

It’s so easy to be preoccupied with ourselves and all that pertains to us that we lose sight of the fact that we were created for purpose and designed to be a blessing to others.

Sadly every time we lose sight of how truly important we are, we miss the opportunities that surround us to accomplish purpose and make this world a better place.

If you indulge yourself and take a trip down to memory lane, I have no doubt that you will recount many experiences where you made a difference to someone else, a time when you made someone know they matter or even a time you picked up something that was accidentally dropped.

You often leave these situations with a smile on your face, a sense of accomplishment and a spring in your steps.

So why then do we not actively seek these moments to make others feel glad that they met or know us?

Every encounter we have gives us an opportunity to leave an impression and make a memory for us and for others. What memories do you have and what memories are you willing to create?

Do you know how important you were to those you met before and how important you are to those you are yet to meet?

Some of my biggest regrets in life are about things I should have said to people and didn’t out of fear or indifference. Looking back now, I could have saved them a world of pain if I had realised just how important my speaking up would have been to them.

On the other hand, some of my greatest accomplishments and joys have also come from what I was able to do for others, share with others or received from them.

In recent weeks, I have had several opportunities to be at the right place and right time to overhear a conversation, sense a desperation or observe a demeanour.

Quite often, I was around total strangers and I was able to leave them after changing their situation or at least making it better.

At the same time, I have left those situations knowing and glad that there must be a God who is so interested in the affairs of men that He would orchestrate such blessings to those who least expected them and who would never have dreamt of where and how the solutions would come.

I walked away thinking about the ‘odds’ or ‘chances’ if you will or better still the ‘miracles’ that will cause them to know there must a God out there looking out in love, mercy and grace over them.

I believe those ‘impossibilities’ are intentional so that we can hear, see and know even we don’t yet have an understanding. I call these the ‘Only God’ moments. ‘Only God’, because nothing else makes sense.

So what ‘Only God’ moments have you experienced as the recipients? What ‘Only God’ moments have you been part of as the solution?

I love to do a recap now and again, especially when things are tough and not the way I expect. I remind myself that I am never unseen, unheard and forgotten.

I think about previous ‘Only God’ moments and I know that there are more of those moments just waiting for me to encounter again.

Also I wake up everyday, with an anticipation, looking to be part of those ‘Only God’ moments for others.

As you start another week, why not pay more attention and be thankful for you own moments and recognise when you can help make someone else’s moments happen.

Remember that you are important, everyday and, to everyone that you have an opportunity to interact with.

Thank you for reading my post. Please like and share with others. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Yusuf

    Very good work. May God be with you

  • Bosede Alabi

    May we not miss out on any opportunity to be used by God.

    Thanks, Yemi and have a blessed week.

  • William Adelekan

    Thanks for this important reminder that God can use us to make a positive contribution to the lives of other people.

    Sometimes we feel that someone needs some words of encouragement from us, but we don’t know what to say. In such situations, I suggest we pray in faith in our hearts to request wisdom from above. God will surely answer us in line with James 1:5 – “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

    May God continue to inspire you.

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