Purposeful Me

Lose Some Weight In Time for Christmas

At this time of the year, many of us are completely focused on making Christmas the best ever. This often involves packed trolleys in the supermarkets and even as we leave, we wonder if we’ve forgotten something.

Then comes the options of food – should it be the classic turkey and trimmings, or lamb and roast beef or perhaps a side of salmon? The list goes on and on. Don’t get me started on dessert.

The funny thing is that while all these are going on, we are also mildly concerned about the potential weight gain which is inevitable if we eat all the food we just bought.

And there’s always the joy or dread of the gym beckoning in the new year depending on which side of the fence you’re on. But before we lose sleep on how we are going to keep the physical weight off or lose some, how about we take a moment to consider other types of weight.

Let’s start with the weight of trying to please other people. This may be a weight you’ve carried all your life. Sadly it can only result in unhappiness and unneeded burden. Shedding this weight is an absolute must and time is of the essence. You don’t need to wait until the new year to do something about it.

Another weight we can look to shed is the weight of regret. How often do we get burdened about a past event that we can do nothing about, at least not unless we can time travel. Most of us have one regret or another and quite often we can allow this regret to weigh in on the present so we end up losing twice. It’s time to shed this weight.

How about the weight of anger or bitterness? This can easily be a weight that keeps on giving, as each time we replay the incident, it feels like it just happened.

The emotions are just as real and raw as when they happened. Sadly this could be weight that we’ve carry around for decades. When are you going to to shed this weight?

Another weight to throw into the mix is that of unforgiveness. The sad reality is that people hurt us; sometimes they break our hearts and at other times they break our spirits. The pain can be unimaginable and seem insurmountable but something has to give. Do you want to be obese with unforgiveness or stay in perfect shape by shedding this unwanted weight?

One more weight that feels just as heavy as any other is the weight of competition which is often because we are lacking in the knowledge of our true identity. The truth is that we are unique just like each snow flake so why would we feel the need to be someone else or find ourselves in competition?

We are created in the image of God and not intended to fit into someone else’s mould. Are you trying to be who you are not? Are you consumed with competing with others in their own race while losing sight of yours? If so, it is high time you shed that weight and celebrate who you are.

Some of us are specialists in carrying the weight of the world and the weight of negative self-talks. I can’t even begin to imagine how heavy these weights are.

There is a lovely proverb in my language that says, “even if the heavens are falling, it’s not going to fall on just one person’s shoulders.” In other words, stop the melodrama.

So while we are preparing to enjoy Christmas and new year celebrations, dreading potential physical weight gain, let’s give ourselves the gift of shedding these other emotional and psychological weights.

At least that way we can start the new year lighter than ever before. And for the extra pounds or kilograms that we physically put on, we’ve got the gym to help with that. Get your gear out and get ready.

Thanks for reading my post and sharing it with others. Now let’s lose some weight. Happy weight loss and Merry Christmas.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Carol

    A great reminder Yemi! Thank you ❤🙏🏽

  • Carol

    Love,that post yemi, as always its blessing and challenging all at the same time! I’ve recognise one or two that I will be working on in the coming days. Bless you, and keep posting x

  • Mubo

    Awesome…. keep up the good work Sis. Truly a word in season

  • Joyce

    Note to self- don’t wait until the New Year to lose some weight do it now. Great piece Yemi I need to reflect on which weight to lose as I definitely need to lose some.

  • William Adelekan

    Many thanks for this excellent post. Just as we are sometimes reluctant to go to the gym to help us shed excess physical weight, there could be unwillingness to do something about shedding excess spiritual weight! May God open our eyes to appreciate the benefits of shedding excess spiritual weight, and grant us the willingness to take timely actions about it.

    May God continue to inspire you.

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