Purposeful Me

I Refuse To Participate

I came across a quote once which paraphrased means people can create a drama, but we have a choice whether or not we want to take part in it.

This resonated with me as over the years, I have had many opportunities to participate in dramas that others have created expecting me to fit into a role they wrote for me. While it is their right to create drama, I have a choice.

Whether it is someone expecting me to follow them down their chosen path or it is an attention seeking person, I find myself faced with the choice of what my response will be.

Some dramas over the years have been about causes some believe in that I don’t agree with, at other times it has been their reactions when I have refused the role they created for me.

In 2020, there will be new dramas, opportunities, and scenarios that will play out.

I have to remind myself that I am accountable for only the choices that I make. I have been given a set of talents and gifts, I have the same amount of time as anyone else so it’s up to me what I accomplish.

I can choose to be distracted by drama or stay focused. I can choose to create dramas and get upset when others refuse to participate, or I can be the person refusing a set script.

The point is that there are hard choices to be made if we must stay focused on what we need to accomplish this year.

Don’t be a people pleaser

We can’t afford to be people pleasers because the reality is that we can never truly please all those around us.

If you please a hundred people, there will still be the one person who can make it seem you’ve never done anything right or good.

And if you please some people a hundred times, all it takes is not to please them once and all the ‘previous pleasings’ fade like smoke in the wind.

Don’t be a pushover

Also we can’t be a pushover in this new year and season. What do you believe to be right for you, for others and for the wider society? Don’t be afraid to stand up for them.

Yes, you may be unpopular for standing up against injustice or for being a voice for the voiceless but the question we ought to answer is whether or not it is the right thing to do. So don’t be a pushover.

Choose Your Audience

Who are you performing to and for? As a Christian, I understand that I am accountable to God and whatever I do, I do for His pleasure.

The downside of performing for people is that you may not get the applause or appreciation that you desire or deserve.

Worse still, the negative critics may come at you ‘faster and more furious’ than you can deal with.

There is a comfort in performing for Someone who takes delight in you despite your imperfections, highs and lows.

Don’t take it too personally

When you don’t dance to the tune that others want to play, there is a good chance that you will step on toes and cause upset. You have to be ready for that.

I once lost a friend because I refused to join them in a decision they made that was right for them and their family but not for me.

At other times, people have expected me to join their vision which is often a good one but they forget that I might be called to do something else.

Some are understanding when I say No and others are upset but I have to stand my ground knowing fully well that I am only accountable for the things that I am called to do.  

So do the best that you can do, and join the causes or visions that you’re meant to be a part of or believe in.

Choose your company well

Finally, spend time with people who respect your decision even if it is not what they want to hear. They still support you while not feeling the need to pressure you, manipulate or ignore you hoping they will change your mind to get their own ways.

Remember, others can write a drama script but it’s your choice to participate. Choose wisely.

Thanks for reading and sharing my post with others. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Nneka Biakpara

    This is so Apt! I refuse to partake in other people’s drama this year and beyond. I must stick to my own play and Face the roles and scripts that are truly right for me.

    Thanks Sister Yemi for this early reminder

  • Tomilayo

    Hmmmmmm, this reminds me of US and Iran.

  • Tomilayo

    Hmmmmm, this reminds me of US and Iran.

  • Antipas

    This is so important,not to be men pleasers at the expense of vision .we need a single eye to stay focus.
    Thank you so much

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