Purposeful Me

Keep Moving

I come from a family of bike riders and lovers but I still hold the family record of being the only one who has never been on a bike. Even when I’ve been in a bind, I have been unable to get on to a bike. Why is this?

I simply have a preference for three or more wheels as I feel they are safer even though my brother disputes this. He believers bikers are fully aware of the dangers they face and consequently they take more precautions to remain safe.

I know the only way to stay upright when you are on a bicycle is to keep moving hence why the quote from Albert Einstein makes a lot of sense.

It says, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

Another quote by Will Rogers says, “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

The key theme that resonates from these two quotes is the need to keep moving forward in life. It can be tempting to stay in the same position, not attempting anything especially when we’ve previously hit some setbacks.

To keep moving forward, you must:

Face your fears

The only thing that has kept me from getting on to a bike is the fear of falling down from one. I know there’s no buffer between the ground and the biker so any fall could easily be disastrous.

On the other hand, there are thousands of bikers who successfully complete their daily journeys safely.

So why do I focus on falling rather than on those who ride safely every day. It comes down to choice – what I choose to think about and how much I choose to do so.

I just need to flip the switch and face my fears. Who knows I might just be a closet bike lover in waiting.

Think about the adventures you get to have

If I don’t get on a bike, I will never experience what it feels like or enjoy the scenic routes that might be only accessible to bikers.

Bottomline is that unless I get on the bike, I will keep missing out on some adventures and potential life changing experiences. There are connections that I’m probably missing out on.  

In the same way, unless you choose to keep moving forward in life despite any setbacks, you will miss out on new opportunities, relationships and adventures.

Find a coach, mentor or fellow rider

Every rider had to go through a learning process because at one time they knew nothing about bikes. In the same way, there are people who have gone before you and have learnt some lessons in a hard way but you can benefit from them.

You don’t have to personally learn all your lessons, instead take some cues from others so your journey can be a bit easier. You are not alone in the journey of life.

You just need to look around to see the people who have been placed in your life by design to help you move forward and successfully run the race of life.

Remind yourself that being static gets you no where

You will get run over if you stay in one spot even if it is the right spot. So find your lane, make sure it’s the right one for you and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

As long as you keep moving forward, your destination and goals are within touching distance. Keep your eye on the prize and this means forgetting the things that are past and the things that hold us down.

We must break free from unnecessary weights, relationships and emotions.

So as you start a new week, think about any areas where you have stopped moving forward, pinpoint the reasons and take necessary actions to remove any blockers.

Thank you for reading my post and especially for sharing it with others to bless them. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Yomi Omotesho

    Great piece as usual, what struck me most is that even if you are at the right place and you remain static you can be run over. So just keep moving.

  • Yomi Omotesho

    Great piece as usual, what struck me most is that even if you are at the right place and you remain static you can be run over. So just keep moving!

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