Purposeful Me

What Are You Waiting For?

If you’re anything like me, you will sometimes find yourself playing a waiting game with and all by yourself. It’s so easy to wait for that perfect day to take a risk, wait for the perfect partner to love and be loved.

Maybe you’re waiting for the perfect job to feel fulfilled, or waiting until you have perfect neighbours to finally make some friends. Or better still, you’re waiting for the perfect bank balance to pursue an idea that was miraculously dropped in your spirit. Perhaps you’re waiting for the perfect weather to get out and exercise.

Bottom line is if we are not careful, we will still be waiting when the curtains are pulled over our lives. That’s why there are millions of hopes and dreams that are buried in the cemetery with their owners.

If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.

I started my Purposeful Me Blog in November 2017 and always hoped to explore other channels to share my message with the world. I published my book, The Purposeful Life Project a year later in 2018.

For quite some time now, I’ve been wanting to start a Vlog as the next chapter but I found that I kept putting it off.

Sometimes it was the thought of starting that I found a bit daunting, other times I simply procrastinated and at other times, I remember I don’t particularly like putting myself out there given my preference for introversion.

Bottom line is I could wait to get fitter, be thinner, feel more confident, take voice lessons or I could just start while working on anything that I want to change.

Last week, a friend asked me to do a short video for her and it was the kick on the backside that I needed to finally get on to what I had been putting off.

It was one of those scenarios where I realised I had to put all my excuses aside to get the recording done for her and once I did that, it felt really silly to go back to allowing those excuses to continue to stop me.

I latched on to the motivation and momentum of doing her video and decided to start working on mine. A week later, I had recorded ten sessions and it felt great. I felt great. I was happy to be creating again.

All my previous concerns faded away and my past excuses suddenly seemed silly.

So my question to you today is what are you waiting for? Why are you still waiting?

If you’ve got a dream, plan or a goal that you’ve kept on ice, it’s time to kick the ice bucket down and go for your dream. The reality is the perfect day isn’t coming, the perfect moment is not around the corner.

Everyday you have breathe is the perfect day to start to work towards your goals and dreams.

If it’s a business you’re planning to start, then begin working on your feasibility study. If you’re looking to change careers, start your investigation into the new industry.

Get your CV ready, find a shadowing opportunity or look for someone to talk to who is already there.

Telling you to start today is not an excuse to not do your due diligence but I’m reminding you that nothing will happen unless you make a start.

I’m thankful I got the shove to start from my friend, who still doesn’t know how timely and instrumental her request was for me.

So take this post as the shove or kick on the backside that you need to finally set aside your fears, anxieties and excuses. Start today and refine as you go along.

Stop waiting for perfection and utopia. You may wait forever and that would be such a waste.

Your idea is a solution to someone’s problems. So every delay is costing much more than you realise.

Check out my vlogs in the vlog category on my website (www.purposefulme.co.uk). You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel – PurposefulMe

Thank you for reading and sharing my Blog and weekly posts with others. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Eruke

    So apt and timely for me. Thank you Yemi.

  • John Cochrane

    Thank you for your post, challenging and uplifting.
    Take care and God bless

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