Purposeful Me

What’s Your Life Saying?

This week’s post is inspired by a quote from Mahatma Ghandi who said, “My life is my message.”

This got me thinking about the boldness that can make someone say that. You can’t make such a declaration unless you know that you’re truly living a life that is worthy of emulation. 

Mahatma Ghandi fought for his people in a non-violent way. He put the needs of his people and nation before his own. He understood the importance of human right and freedom and he fought for them. He was both a political and religious leader.

It’s no wonder that he could boldly make that statement. Everyday he made choices that aligned to his belief and faith, and he was committed.

He wouldn’t need words to describe what he believed in because it was on display for all to see.

The truth is words are cheap and mean nothing unless they are backed with action.

Why would you need to say you’re a hard worker or you’re kind and generous? Your actions and how you live your life would make those around you reach these conclusions by themselves.

If you find yourself having to talk about who you are and what you believe in, it might be time to see if your actions and the way you’re living your life is out of alignment with your beliefs.

We all have one opportunity to pass through this world as we know it and each of us is unique in all ways. So this one life that we have is important and must be lived out to its fullest potentials.

So how can we do that? Here are a few thoughts on this:


Reflect on how your life is going. This might be a great time to have a journal and ask some questions like, ‘who am I? What do I believe? Do I like the life that I have lived so far? If I could make different choices, what would they be? Are there people I wish I was bit more like in character?

These questions can help us look inward and be more aware of areas of improvement. Although we can’t go back to re-write history, we can certainly take any learnings into our future.

Get feedback

If your life is to be your message, then what are the hearers of the message hearing? What are those watching your life observing? Since they are the audience, you must seek them out and ask what they are seeing and hearing.

We must do this in different settings because some people appear to have multiple personalities in the way they live their lives and it becomes confusing for those seeing them in different settings.

Be open to change

The beauty of reflecting and getting feedback is that we learn more about ourselves and we may hear things that we would rather not hear.

So we must be open to change so that we can become who we want to be and have a life that carries a message that we are proud of.

Define the message of your life

I believe we can all craft the message that we want our lives to carry. It can be a message of hope or generosity. It can be one of joy and love or it can be one of peace and justice.

We all have a blank slate and we can craft our message and begin to live a life that aligns with that message. In time, people will see or encounter us and get our message without us saying a word.

I want to end with a quote from Shira Tehrani who said, “You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.”

This is so true. Our days are numbered so we need to learn how to respect and honour that so that we live lives that matter in the time that we are here.

So as we start a new week or hit a milestone, we have an amazing opportunity to take stock of the current messages that our lives are sending. We then compare this to the messages we would rather send.

The rest is down to us making a commitment to change the narrative of our lives.

Thank you for reading my post. Please share and leave a comment. See you next week. Happy international women’s day to all the ladies.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Nneka Biakpara

    As a Christian, There’s a saying that my life may be the Bible that some people would ever read. This makes me careful in the way I live and the message my life transmits out. I would love my life to be one that inspires, encourages and motivates others to live their best life here, and so this is a reminder to sit back and reflect on how my life is going and the message my life is sending out.

    Thank you Sister Yemi for this great post .

  • Uche

    Hi Sis,
    Thank you for yet another thought provoking piece.

    Keep on sharing your insights with us. Happy international Women’s day

  • Mo A Lorick

    My comment will be an advice “be the same person privately, publicly and personally” as you never know who is secretly looking on you for mentoring.

  • Adewale Adeoshun

    I am inspired by the message. It’s apt as Christians to let the relationship we have with Christ reflect and be manifested in our attitude, behavior and Character. We must always be conscious that we are Christ’s Ambassadors, so let our life manifest it in all endeavors.

  • William Adelekan

    Many thanks for your challenging post on this very important topic – “What’s your life saying?”

    It is crucial to properly define the examples we want to follow on tnis life journey. Personally, I willingly do my best to follow the guidelines found in the Bilble, and Jesus Christ is my Ultimate Example. He provides the strength I need to be more like Him, and when I fail, He is there to forgive me and help me move on. He also said that when others see good things in me, the glory should go to our heavenly Father and not to me!

    May God continue to inspire you.

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