Purposeful Me

Awakening To A New Reality

The world is watching China come out of their Covid-19 journey with life going back to a new normal.

We are all excited and eager for when our own emergence will happen and many of us are praying for a better, safer and more loving world.

I came across a quote that I felt was appropriate for such a time as this and it says, “And if your words were to create a whole other world, what dreams would you have there?”

For the most part we’ve heard of the devastation from the Covid-19 crisis, seen harrowing pictures and pointless deaths and we’ve been bombarded by negative and sometimes false information.

Conspiracy theorists have had a field day and too many of us have been afflicted by fear and torment.

But that’s only one side of the story. There’s a positive side to everything that has happened.

Immunity and escape routes are not always possible

Nations have hopefully realised the need to hold their leaders and people accountable.

Many hospitals were not ready for the pandemic because successive governments have not delivered a good health care system. We’ve now seen the dangers and implications of poor infrastructures.

The rich, powerful and the poor found themselves in the same boat with no way out. It wasn’t possible to hop on private planes to escape to countries with better infrastructures.

We’ve awakened to the need to develop our own rather than rely on our wealth and positions to access other nations’ better managed systems and processes.

Challenged beliefs, mindsets and faith

If there was ever a lesson from this experience, it’s that we humans aren’t as powerful and in control as we once thought. We have realised just how quickly the world can be brought to its knees and how easily it can be brought to an end.

We’ve realised we’re at each other’s mercy and the more we care about and love our neighbours, the better and safer our lives and world will be.

Many of us have had this incredible opportunity to rethink our faith – what we believe and who we believe in. Hopefully we have set our feet on a better faith journey.

Behaviours and choices

The crisis has brought up some things in us that we were previously unaware of. For some, it has exposed a selfishness that we would have ordinarily criticised others for.

Perhaps it has exposed an over-reliance on takeaways and eating out. Many children’s eating habits have been forced to change from fast foods to home made and more wholesome meals.

Forced rest

This can only be a good thing for many who live like hamsters in a wheel. We have been forced to rest as movements were restricted.

For many this could have been a life saver from stroke, heart attacks and premature death. We’ve been able to sleep in and reduce our commute.

Better and cleaner environment

The campaigners for our planet hit a jackpot without having to put in any more effort as we have reduced our footprints, noise pollution and emissions.

Air quality and visibility have improved in many countries all because of the restricted movements. This is great for us and our planet.

New ways of working

Smart companies and leaders will not revert to type following this crisis. The way we work has been disrupted and we now have an opportunity to embrace remote working and improve our property footprints.

We’ve realised we can allow people more freedom and run meetings differently. No longer do we all have to go through traffic to attend meetings when there are online options.

Quality home life

As we have been home with our children, many of us have had the opportunity to get more involved with their education. We have had time to build stronger relationships and better communication.

The family unit has been given an incredible opportunity to emerge stronger than ever.

New ways of doing relationships

Our over-reliance on face to face meetings has been challenged. This includes friendships, reading clubs and even religious organisations.

Do we need mega church buildings to connect with God? Apparently not! We have been forced to go back to what it truly means to have faith – having a personal relationship with God.

A new appreciation for life

Many of us have awakened to a new appreciation for life and key workers. Where sports people and celebrities were once our heroes, we now realise we may have misplaced some of our priorities.

We are deeply grateful for our health care workers, the military, local councils for their governance and waste management and our teachers for taking the kids off our hands for a few hours everyday. Most importantly we are grateful for the gift of life and good health.

This new reality is a better one though the road to it has been tough and treacherous. Embrace the lessons and the gift.

Thanks for reading and sharing my post. Have a great week. Stay safe and sane.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Taiwo

    Well researched and beautifully presented. Indeed a great read!

  • Michelle

    Wonderful wisdom. True, life may not be the same but it will be better as we acknowledge what is truly important.

  • Bosede Alabi

    Thanks, Yemi. The pandemic has definitely given virtually, if not, everyone a new perspective. I hope we continue to improve as we slowly return to a new normal.
    Have a great week and stay safe.

  • Uche

    Hi Sis thank you for reminding us of all the positives during this very challenging period. It’s been particularly tough but God has shown himself faithful all the way.

    There’s a way it gets stuck in our head when it’s written down in black and white.

    The reminder is well needed

  • Abdulazeez

    Thought provoking piece

  • Nneka

    – A new way of life
    – new ways of working
    – A new way of doing relationship
    – A new appreciation for life
    – better appreciation of health workers, teachers etc
    Our eyes are open to the new reality.
    Thank you sister Yemi for capturing this beautifully

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