Purposeful Me

Winning The Mental Battle

Many people are seeing the worst global crisis of their lifetimes with more questions than answers. The media is awash with loads of information and we are all at a risk of information overload.

As it is said, too much of even a good thing soon becomes a bad thing. While information about the Covid-19 crisis is really useful, too much of it will become an issue and start wreaking havoc on our mental state.

There’s no doubt, we need to be cautious during this crisis and take every precautions possible but if we are not careful, anxiety, fear, stress and depression will find ways in to afflict us.

I’ve had countless conversations and laughs as friends have discussed symptoms that sent them into a tail spin only to realise it was just their minds playing tricks on them.

The crisis we are facing is as much a mental and emotional health crisis as it is a physical health one. Self isolation in itself is extremely challenging for most people.

Also many people have concerns for their livelihoods. Companies will have to recoup lost incomes during the shutdowns so some job losses will be inevitable in many industries.

So what can we do?

Watch what you feed on

Just because something is on TV or social media, it doesn’t mean you have to listen to or watch it. We already know the most useful information about the crisis and the precautions to take so why listen to the same stuff 24/7 day after day.

Stay alert and informed only about new developments. If you’ve heard it once or twice, act on relevant information rather than stay stuck on repeat.

The human mind is complex and responds to what we feed it and it manifests according to its diet. So a diet full of negative contents will manifest as fear, anxiety, worry, panic, stress and imagined symptoms.

Instead, think on things that are pure, noble and of a good report.

Take care of your physical body

At this time, it is important that we take care of our bodies and this must include getting regular exercises and adequate sleep. Avoid self-medication and watch what you eat.

This is a time to be adventurous about food. You might not have everything you need to cook your usual meals but you can challenge yourself to create something new.

Focus on what’s within your control

There are many things that are outside of our control and this can make us feel powerless, helpless and overwhelmed. If we look closer, we will realise that there are many other things that we remain in control of.

These are the things we should focus our efforts on. You’re still in control of your responses and choices, you’re in control of what you eat and when you wake up, how much or little exercise you do and definitely how you choose to spend your days.

Stay connected with others

Lockdown and Self isolation doesn’t have to equate to loneliness. There are many ways and tools to help us stay connected in this new season. Explore and use them.

You can start or join a virtual book club, reconnect with former classmates, trace your family history or learn a new hobby with others, exchange recipes and share your experiences.

Develop yourself and acquire new skills

Take a critical look at your industry and think about what will help it survive this crisis. If possible, think about how you can position yourself to meet your company’s post crisis needs.

Consider new skills that compliment your existing ones or prepares you for a completely new industry or department.

Stay hopeful and grateful

Make a choice to remain hopeful and grateful for life. Worrying can not add a day to your life so stop it. Trust that there’s a much stronger Power who remains in control of your life.

Choose to expect good things, think good thoughts and believe the best is always yet to come. Be prepared, follow the government’s directives but stay hopeful.

I love a quote by Benjamin Disraeli which says, “I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.”

Have a great week and thank you for reading my post. Stay safe and sane.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Mandy(Mrs)

    Always looking forward to read purposeful me on Sundays.

    Confirmed topic for today!

    Thanks ma’am 😘

      • Adaeze Aja

        Yemi, this sums up both the preventive and after treatment we need in this season. Thank you for this reminder to keep our thoughts stayed on the positive. Why keep onself stuck in the endless cycle of bad news? We must be proactive about guarding our minds.

  • Joyce

    Thanks Yemi. We are truly in ‘strange’ times and this pandemic affects us all. We need to develop mental strength and practice positivity to get through this. Great article.

  • John

    Hi Yemi
    Thank you so much for your post, it is helpful and thought provoking as usual. I hope you are OK? Love and God bless you, John 😊

  • Nneka

    I’ve trained myself off loads of Social media news, it was getting really depressing and scary. I’ve decided to fill up on the word, feeding my faith instead of fear. Determined to think happy and pure thoughts.
    Thank you Sister Yemi

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