Purposeful Me

You’re Not A Tree But You Can Learn From One

Years ago, I came across the phrase, ‘You’re not a tree.’ This literally transformed my approach to my career and many parts of my life.

For me it was a reminder that I can make the changes that I need to make because I’m not subject to a fixed position. This gave me the confidence and determination to make needed career changes rather than accept the status quo.

And yes sometimes these were sideways moves needed for my sanity rather than painfully waiting for a promotion or a miracle to change my circumstance. Even though we are not trees, there are still lessons we can learn from them.

There’s potential in the little

Every tree started as a tiny seed. The potential to grow and become everything it was designed to be was already in that seed. That’s just like us.

Everything that we need to be who we are created to be is already in us. That’s why I’m reminded not to despise the days of small beginnings. It’s much easier to toss out a seed than a tree.

So whatever you have in your hands can be easily overlooked, undervalued and unappreciated but if you think of its potential for growth, then you’re on your way to not tossing out your future.

Stay grounded

The one thing that all trees have in common is that they stay grounded. Their grounding is the guarantee of their continued survival and growth.

Same thing applies to us. If you stop being grounded, you will believe lies that will guarantee your end. I think of many celebrities and entrepreneurs who fail because they forget to stay grounded.

Your roots matter so stay connected

I was wetting my plants a couple of days ago and I noticed the wide spread of a tree’s roots.

The strength of a tree is dependent on its roots as it’s the main source of sustenance and consequently life. The deeper the roots go and the more widespread they are, the more robust the tree is and that’s when the tree bears good fruit.

For us, our roots will be spiritual, physical and emotional. They make up who we are and if any of them is missing, we won’t be well rooted which compromises us.

Turn over a new leaf

Autumn and spring show us the power of trees turning over new leaves.

Many trees lose all their leaves by the end of autumn and anyone seeing the trees at the start of winter might be tempted to not see any beauty or value in the tree.

But come spring, new healthy, beautiful and vibrant leaves appear and suddenly we see the tree in a new light. There is a risk of giving up on the tree if seen outside the season that showcases it best.

Same with us. Don’t give up on yourself and others. Instead allow time and space for turning over a new leaf.

Bend before you break

During period of strong winds, I often find that there are a lot of fallen branches and twigs. One thing that they mostly have in common is that they tend to be dried.

This means they were unyielding to the pressures of the wind so their only option is to snap and break. The trees and plants that survive will have bent in the direction of the wind and yes, they may look crooked afterwards but they soon recover.

We must learn to bend before we break. Healthy and ethical compromising and bending in response to difficult situations guarantee that we live to fight another day.

Celebrate your uniqueness

Every tree is unique, beautiful and will be appreciated by some people so it has no reason to doubt itself or to want to be like another.

I have a monkey tree whose uniqueness can only be appreciated from afar because it’s all prickly. And as much as I do not favour the colour pink, a tree in my garden showcases the most gorgeous shade of pink.

Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully inspired and made so we must learn to appreciate our unique natural beauty.

Keep growing

A tree never stops growing. The opposite of growth is stagnation and death.

We can learn from the tree that does everything in its power to adapt and grow. Their roots go deeper to find water, their branches bend towards the sun to get more light.

We must take proactive steps to keep growing in knowledge, skills and learning from our experiences. Taking care of ourselves physically, spiritually, psychologically, mentally and emotionally is a must and not an option.

Thanks for reading and sharing my post with others. Have an incredible week and don’t forget that although you’re not a tree, there are lessons to be gleaned from one. Remain purposeful.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Ayo

    Thanks for this piece sis Yemi. May The Lord continually give you wisdom.

  • Bukola Ajayi

    Thank you Yemi for this on time analogy.🙏❤

  • Ayodele

    Beautiful analysis. Thanks

  • Bosede Alabi

    Thanks for the encouraging post as always, Yemi. We never stop growing or improving as long as we are open minded and learn to adapt.

  • Nneka

    So much feelings running through me as I read every word of this fantastic piece….. I think each sub-topic can be a topic for a new piece, where you expand , lol. I’m just so hungry for what you have to write. been thinking onEvery tree started as a tiny seed, a lot happens between a seed growing into a tree. its a process and can’t happen over night , so we must be patient with ourselves and others and remember that there’s potential in every seed. Recently I’ve also been brooding on roots, after hearing my mentor talk about it, she says we shouldn’t just be people that grow externally but also internally. she emphasised on the importance of the root, because even if man judges and praises you about your trunks and fruits, God judges differently, He looks at the root. and if the root is solid, even when the storms hit, it would be hard to uproot you….
    I really love this piece, thank you soo much .

  • Antipas

    Thanks for this post,is always a blessing.

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