Dreams don’t die. Dreamers do
Dreams always outlive dreamers because they never die. For every dream we have, others are carrying similar ones and may just fulfil them in our lifetime or after. We can all have dreams and must be willing to pay the
Free At Last
‘Free at Last.’ That’s how we feel after three months of lockdown. But what will our freedom be for and what are we free from? It’s time to rethink our new found freedom .
Circle Of Trust And Accountability
It's hard to work by or for yourself. One of the challenges in life is finding people we can do life and business with, knowing fully well that we can get more done together than alone. Who do you trust
Get To Your Destination
As a young girl, I was always eager ahead of any road trip. In life, what's more important than having a plan is actually arriving at your destination or goal. To arrive at your destination, there are some pointers we
Knock Knock. Who is there?
When there's a knock on the door, the first thing that we wonder is 'who?' Hopefully it's someone we recognise, expect and want to see. In life, opportunities come knocking but will we always recognise them when they do? www.youtube.com/watch
Tell Your Story
Stories are emotive and they stay with us. Stories have been used for centuries to pass down truths and sadly lies. 2020 is a great year for story telling and we owe it to ourselves and future generations to tell