Purposeful Me

Turn The Mirror Around

Have you ever had those moments when you are advising someone and you suddenly realise you could do with your own advice, or worse that you have no place giving that advice because you’ve refused to apply it in your own life.

Suddenly your enthusiasm wanes and as a dose of reality sets in, you realise it’s time to take some bitter pill of self assessment. I am knowledgeable in many areas but I don’t necessarily apply my knowledge.

Eating the right food is one of those areas, I know what to do for optimal health but I don’t always do them. So I find myself confessing that I’m not practicing what I’m about to preach.   

This quote from Harun Yahya brings this truth home for me and it says, “I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question.”

This is a fantastic example of what happens when you shine the light on yourself or turn the mirror around. It’s good to ask tough questions and it’s good to challenge ourselves with what we challenge others with.

So here are a few of my thoughts:

Do a recap

Think of the last five pieces of advice that you dolled out to help others, how many of them do you truly practice and live by? This could be in the workplace, amongst your friends or families. Make a decision today to start applying them.

As a blogger, I often reflect on my posts even as I write them and make notes on what I must start doing. It’s so easy to tell others what to do or not do and I leave myself out; which would be a disservice to me.

Ask for feedback

Many times we are blind to our own faults so one way to turn the mirror on ourselves is to ask for feedback from others. They become the mirror. Word of warning, ‘this could be painful’ and the temptation to be defensive has to be resisted.

If we hang in there and listen without judgement or excuses, we have a really good chance of growing.

Ask the tough questions

The best way to turn the mirror on ourselves is to ask the tough questions and cut out the pretenses.

Why are you in the same place when you can fly?

Who is really to blame for your inactivity or lack of progress in life?

What price are you willing to pay to achieve your dreams?

What price have you paid? What price have you expected others to pay on your behalf?

Are you happy and fulfilled?

Are you where you need to be?

Are you living a lie?

What are you afraid of? What is the worst that can happen?

What regrets do you want to avoid five years from now?

Ask and answer them truthfully even if you think you’re not ready for change. Progress starts with knowing the truth.

Revisit your truths until inaction becomes unacceptable

Once you turn the mirror and shine the light on yourself, you will be faced with some unwelcome truths which may be scary and unacceptable.

Don’t bury your head in the sand even though it may seem like the easy option. Review the answers and ponder on them until you move through denial into acceptance that you are responsible for the choices you have made and still need to make. Accept that any change must start with you.

You will eventually get to the point where inaction will become unacceptable because you are so aware of the need to make progress.

See the life you want to create and take action

Have a mental picture of the life you want, the person you want to be and the goals you want to achieve. Remember a mental picture is not a magic picture.

It will only become a ‘real’ picture when you back it up with actions that will help you realise it. You can’t dream yourself to success unless you wake up everyday to carry out the actions to make your dreams come through.

Thanks for reading and sharing my post. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Taiwo

    Fantastic read!

    This prompts thorough introspection, reflections and contemplation that birth resolutions for a re-alignment of focus to own goals.

    The piece addresses the traditional proverbial reality as captured in Matthew 7:5.

    Thanks for this piece. I was indeed blessed!

  • Matthew Adelekan

    Another very profound piece with practical steps for self improvements.

    Thank you for the constant reminder that yes, indeed we can become a better version of ourselves by acknowledging, having an insight, of the need and taking appropriate actions at achieving the end goal

  • Bukola Ajayi

    What’s the worse thst can happen? Time to take up and apply those advice we dish out.

    Thank you❤

  • Ajayi Modupe

    Your posts are always TIMELY.

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