Purposeful Me

2021: Here We Come

In another five days we would be in 2021, a year that many of us are eager to see, especially, because we would finally have seen the back of 2020 – a very long and tough year.

It’s so easy to have this view of a year which has been synonymous with words like lockdown, restrictions, loneliness, mental health issues, news headlines counting number of new admissions and deaths, funerals that many loved ones couldn’t attend, job losses, Covid-19, ‘Black Lives Matter’ demonstrations, endSARs riots, destruction of lives and public properties, and other natural disasters.

We could focus on the negatives and lose sight of the fact that there were some good news as well. People celebrated, started new businesses, got qualifications, and many had a chance to focus on their passions.

My thoughts go out to those who have had a really tough year and my hope and prayer is that the new year will herald a turnaround for good.

So as we end this year, I would like us to ponder on the word, ‘GRATITUDE’. Although it might not be the first word that comes to mind when we think of this year, there’s a reason for each one of us to be grateful that we are still here.

We are alive, we made it through the year regardless of what we faced, we survived hospital admissions and other ailments, our eyes are functioning and minds alert, we are still surrounded by other loved ones even though though we may have lost some, and there’s hope for a better tomorrow.

Most of us came into 2020 unprepared for a virus that we didn’t see coming but as we end the year and look forward to 2021, we have the benefits of hindsight. We know the virus is still affecting people but we also know what to do to protect ourselves.

Many industries are still going to be largely impacted but now the workers can be better prepared to make ends meet. We’re not going to be as disappointed as we were this year because we can better manage our expectations.

All these already tell me that 2021 can only be better for us all simply because we are not as naïve going into it and we’ve learnt some valuable lessons from 2020 that will help us.

So how can we better leverage the new year? Here are a few tips from me:

Welcome the new ‘normal’ or better still, expect a new ‘better’

Accept that some things have changed for good or at least that some changes are here for the foreseeable future. Using our face masks, maintaining social distance, following hygiene requirements are going to remain and rightly so as they are for our protection and that of others.

Focus on others

Many of us may feel that our rights have been infringed upon but for the most part it’s because we are only thinking about ourselves. In this new year, let’s be prepared to lay down ourselves and any selfish agendas for the good of others.

We must remember that we don’t live in a vacuum and our actions and choices can have life changing consequences on others.

Take your lessons with you into the new year

There’s no doubt that this year has been an eye opener for us all. It’s made us to understand our vulnerabilities in the areas of health, family, faith, businesses, careers and finances. Review your year.

There are steps we can all take to better control our vulnerabilities. Some of us have realised how easily we can feel isolated and alone so now we have the opportunity to review how we build and maintain relationships and connections with others.

No matter who we are, there’s no doubt that we learnt some lessons in 2020 and we owe it to ourselves and others to carry these lessons forward to make the future better.

Have a plan

What do you want 2021 to be for you? What would an ideal year look like? You have to be able to picture it.

But it’s not going to happen by accident or simply because we wish it to be so.

There’s no genie anywhere in heaven or on earth waiting to wave a magic wand to make our dreams come true.

We have the responsibility to define and consistently carry out the actions that will help us to accomplish our goals.

Make smart decisions

It takes just as much effort to be pessimistic rather than optimistic; just as much effort to live in faith versus fear, to build friendships or enemies. So choose wisely.

Thanks for reading my post. I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Jane Adelekan

    Thanks sister Yemi. Very timely advice. May you also have a blessed new year,as you continue to put out encouraging messages

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