Purposeful Me

Assume Nothing

Recently I needed to collect an item I had ordered and because it was a warm and sunny day, I decided to walk. As soon as I got out the door, I realised I needed my sunglasses but immediately assumed that I didn’t have them with me.

So strong was my assumption that I didn’t entertain the thought of checking my bag. It didn’t matter that I almost always had my sunglasses in my bag and I hadn’t changed my handbag.

So I assumed ‘everything’ and went for the 1km work squinting and wishing all the way that I had my sunglasses with me.

Funny enough, I paid for some shopping and I still didn’t think to check the bag. Even more hilarious is the fact that my bag was a small one with only one compartment; meaning the sunglasses were in plain sight. But I still didn’t see them due to the strength of my assumption that I didn’t have them with me.

A day later, I was getting my keys from the bag and the first thing I saw was the case of my sunglasses hiding in plain sight. O, I forgot to mention that the case is quite bulky and definitely the bulkiest thing in the bag.

Seeing my sunglasses made me pause for a moment and consider the power of assumptions, where assumptions and opinions are formed, how assumptions and conclusions are reached, the power of the mind and how we can be completely misled if we are not careful.

I learnt some lessons that I want share with you today.

Assumptions and others

What assumptions have I made about others in the past? Were they right or wrong? Or perhaps I never took the time to check if my assumptions were fact based or not.

Do I routinely make assumptions about people or give advice to others based on assumptions made on the context without checking the facts as the advice could be counterproductive otherwise?

Assumptions and me

What assumptions do I make about myself? Have you had a chance at an opportunity, promotion or something good but you assumed you wouldn’t get it and on the basis of that assumption you never actually entered the race.

Thankfully we are clueless about the costs of making assumptions when we back out on the basis of those assumptions. We are ‘saved by the bells’ of doubt, insecurity and poor judgement which resulted in the assumptions.

Act; Don’t wish

Assumptions stop us from taking risks or asking for the more that we deserve. We assume people would say ‘No’; we assume we are not good enough, smart enough or connected enough.

Wishing gets you no where; only actions do. I wished I had my sunglasses with me, I imagined how much more pleasant the walk would have been but the wish and the imagination didn’t change my discomfort. I didn’t take action so nothing could change.

Same with us, all the wishes we have – of doing something new, learning a new skills, going back to school, getting a new job, a financial raise or promotion – remain as wishes unless we take action.

Imagining what life would be like after reaching those goals are just pipe dreams unless we take action.

Benefit of the doubt

When you make an assumption or you are tempted to do so, give yourself and others a benefit of the doubt. Before you conclude the door will not be opened; knock first. Before you assume the answer will be no, ask first and before you assume you won’t find a way out, seek for one first.

If I had only allowed myself the benefit of the doubt and look with an expectation that the sunglasses could be in my bag, I would have found them there.

Here’s to an ‘Assumption free’ week. At the very least test your assumptions before you draw your conclusions. Thanks for reading my post. Please share it with others.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Olawale Balogun

    I “assume” you had me in mind when writing this! Lol, jokes apart, a timely reminder for us not to be ruled by our assumptions 👌🏽

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