Purposeful Me

A Blank Page

Every week, I stare at a blank page and wonder what to write. Many weeks are easy, but occasionally, I draw a blank and need a dose of inspiration.

I look over my week to see what has stood out to me, I review my written but unpublished posts and undeveloped post ideas that I save for rainy days but sometimes, nothing inspires me or screams out, ‘share me’.

What I have learnt over almost four years of posting weekly is that it doesn’t end the way it starts. As I persevere, I end up with more words and have to edit them. I marvel that when I struggle the most, is also when the words pour out the easiest.

So what is the miracle behind blank pages becoming filled pages?

You’ve got a job to do

Remembering I have got a job to do and there are people waiting on me keeps me going. It forces me to push through seasons of drought, doubt, apathy and tiredness.

It helps me to get through a bad day because I know I have to get the job done. I remain accountable to the call to do what I do so I don’t give myself the choice of not delivering.

What is that ‘job’ that you’ve got to get done and what is standing in your way? Go back to your ‘why’ and use that to get through your tough moments or seasons.

Just start

As they say, the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and any distance can be covered if you keep putting one foot in front of the other towards the right direction.

If I wait for the perfect idea or words before I start writing, I might wait for a very long time. I simply start and hope that the words will eventually pour out.

Words on paper can be refined or edited but a page without words remain blank no matter how much we ponder about the unwritten words.

While you are waiting for that miracle of a perfect job, relationship or business deal, don’t sit still, move forward with other plans, training, development and take action. The miracle will ‘MIRACULOUSLY’ meet you halfway.


Keep at it. Sometimes the first couple of paragraphs is nothing to write home about but the words come out easier and easier until I find myself in the zone when it becomes effortless and I even start to enjoy the process.

It’s like going on a hike, it might be tough going for a while but as you give yourself to the process, you start to enjoy the experience. It is still hard, but you stop focusing on the challenge and start to look for the opportunities. Then you start to spot the miracles.

Don’t panic

Fear, anxiety and panic are real when one doesn’t want to fail. On rare occasions as the clock ticked on and I still didn’t have a clue of what to write, I would feel anxious and I have to remind myself it’s not the end of the world if I miss or delay a post.

Fear makes us lose perspective so to get the better of fear, we must regain our perspective. I didn’t sign a contract with anyone to write the post, I don’t get paid for writing it so I’m not under a bondage or an obligation.

It is not life or death and what is the worst that can happen if I miss a post?

Yes, I might get a few messages from people reminding me they are waiting but that is a good thing that tells me they care. Their reminder is not a condemnation or judgement, so why panic?

As you start a new week, where are you drawing a blank or in panic mode? Take a moment, brew a cuppa (cup of tea or coffee) and remember the hardest part of any process is starting. So, just start and have faith the next steps will become clearer.

Thanks for reading my post. Have a great week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Bosede

    Thanks, Yemi!

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