Purposeful Me

PurposefulMe is 4 – Reflection Post

Almost four years ago, the idea to start a blog to reflect the journey I am on and share the lessons came to me. So as the actual anniversary falls between two publishing days, I decided to do reflection and celebration posts to mark this anniversary.

This week is the Reflection post in the lead up to the anniversary and next week will be the celebration post.

A process precedes any outcome

Someone recently explored my website and commented that they liked the logo and other elements. I shared how hard it was in the early days and the mistakes that I made due to ignorance about the mechanics.

Based on their reaction, I realised it was easy to see the outcome without knowing what it took to get there. They could naively reach the conclusion that I was talented in website building or writing a blog even though I knew ‘zilch’.

Failure remains an option if you are willing to learn from it

I learnt from trying, failing and trying again until I got it right. There were many late nights spent trying to panically reverse an action that nullified hours of work, and getting refunds for services that I didn’t need.

Remain in learning mode

Fours years in, there are still some things that I don’t understand; I understand enough to get my job done and I stay in a learning mode so I can keep learning the things that I don’t know.

If I had waited to know everything there is to know about website building, writing a blog or fine tuning my voice, I would never have started the Blog. It would still be a pipe dream. Be willing to start where you are and grow with the experience.

Everyone has an opinion, so don’t lose sight of your assignment

A few people have attempted to dictate what and how I should write forgetting they weren’t there when I got the leading and idea to write.

More importantly they forget they also have a voice that they can use to write in the way they want me to. There is a market out there for everyone’s voice so defend yours and let others use theirs.

Being clear on my ‘what, why and who’ has been vital in helping me to defend my voice and sticking to my purpose and calling.

Perseverance and Discipline

Over the years many people have complimented me on my consistency and some would joke about not being able to do it. They almost make it appear as though I was ‘special’ hence why I can do it.

They couldn’t be further from the truth. I am no more special than they are. The truth is that I don’t always feel like writing. There are days when I would like to take a break which I know could easily become a prolonged hiatus.

Commitment, discipline and perseverance are the reasons the posts have been consistent and you can be consistent if you wish.

You are qualified; So am I

I have been discouraged a few times when I’ve been made to feel that I am not good enough. I don’t write because I am perfect; neither do I write because I am the best person to do it. I don’t even write because I am good enough or consider myself to be an expert.

I write because I am on a journey and I am striving to be and do better each day. I write because I am a life long learner who loves to share what she learns to help others.

I write because I have a gift, voice, calling and an assignment that’s unique to me and I am accountable to the Giver of all of those things. You are uniquely qualified for the things you have been gifted to be and do. Don’t make excuses or allow anyone to shut down your gift.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey and milestone. Knowing you are out there is a key fuel that keeps me inspired, motivated and disciplined. See you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.