Purposeful Me

Purposeful Me is 4 – Celebration Post

Finally, it’s Party time! Purposeful Me turned four on the 26th of November 2021 and it’s celebration time. I don’t know where the past 48 months have gone but they have gone somewhere.

In that time, I have created 475 pages of content enough to publish multiple books if I want to. More than that, all those pages are a reminder of what can happen when we choose to dig deep into the pool of creativity that lies inside each of us.

I have loved every one of those posts although some have resonated with me more than others. Some posts had a huge response when they were posted while others had a lukewarm response but steadily gained viewers over time.

I have learnt not to judge a book by its covers because some of the posts that I have loved haven’t always been the most popular. I try not to be a perfectionist otherwise many posts would have stayed in the creation stage never making it out to the readers.

I have learnt not to be discouraged regardless of what the stats show. My job is to create regardless and I will keep creating.

I have identified the enemies of creation including fear, self-doubt, insecurity, procrastination, laziness, external pressures, stress, busyness and need for perfection. I am doing my very best to keep them all at bay so I can keep writing.

I’ve learnt to write in and out of seasons, on good and bad days, when I’m in or out of the flow and whether I feel like writing or not. I understand consistent practice and discipline trump talent because natural talent only gets one so far. Practice makes everyone of us better at delivering whatever we do.

Writing consistently is my way of practicing and this is helping me to create better, more powerful and engaging contents as the weeks go by.

This celebration is only made possible because of the amazing readers out there and especially those who have faithfully shared the posts.

My encouragers have included family members, friends, former school and work mates and many of my WhatsApp forum group’s members.

I hate to mention names for fear of offending others but I do have to say kudos to Professor Abayomi Omotesho who unfailingly shares this with a wide group of people including ME.

Yes, I get a link to my own weekly post from him; that’s how committed he is to sharing them.

We all have wishes for our birthday and if we are fortunate, some or all of them are fulfilled. So here are my wishes:

Share the weekly posts and link to the Blog

Many of you tell me that you find the posts useful, inspiring and you apply the takeaways to your personal and professional lives.

So my wish is that you will share this useful gift with others. I know it’s so much easier to share a funny post or link, but imagine the transformation that sharing a useful post can enable.

Share the posts, not because it’s funny, lewd or confrontational; share them because we can all afford to be and do better. Share them because we live in a world that needs to be better. Share the post to help others grow.

Make your own mark

This Blog started because I wanted to make a positive difference and make my own mark in some way no matter how little. Many of us are already doing amazing work but can we do more?

There’s a generation to be mentored, people to serve, problems to solve and needs to meet. Pick your stall, set it up for success and bring your own unique flavour of goodness to the table and MAKE HISTORY.

Raise a glass

Raise a glass with me and while you do that, remember there’s nothing special about my skills, gifts or talents.

I’m just somebody who was willing to say yes, willing to go, willing to be sent.

Every day, the call still goes out, ‘who can we send and who will be willing to go?’ The answer is down to you.

Saying yes comes at a cost but with it also comes great reward. I said yes and today I’m celebrating four years of ‘yes’. Perhaps it’s your time to say YES.

Thanks for reading my post and especially for celebrating four amazing years of PurposefulMe with me. The journey would be lonely without you so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Emmanuel

    Congratulations!! 4 years and going strong.

  • Matthew Adelekan

    A very big congratulations for the 4th year anniversary for the hard work, dedication and the tenacity at the weekly publication.
    It is a demonstration of your selfless act of service which has over the years positively impacted countless lives
    This is wishing you all the very best for the future and many more successes

  • Temi

    I look forward to reading more of your posts and other works.
    Best wishes.

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