Purposeful Me

Looking Forward

January is now almost officially over and life after Covid is becoming clearer as restrictions are being gradually lifted. One can almost see the proverbial light at the end of the dark tunnel and we can’t but be grateful.

We can start focussing on getting our lives back to some semblance of pre-covid normality. For some people Covid presented an opportunity to define a new normal but for others, their old normal beckons.

No matter which group you find yourself, one thing is clear, there are no excuses for not moving forward. Post-Covid life for many will require major adjustment as offices re-open for business.

Life is about to go back to what was once normal but can now appear to be unfair and unacceptable to most.

It is not surprising that some people will experience some anxiety and nervousness as life goes back to ‘normal’. We all have to come up with strategies to help us embrace what comes next.

Here are a few thoughts from me that I hope will help with moving forward

Accept the new realities and make the most of it

It’s worth remembering what life was before the lockdown and appreciating the consequent benefits that we enjoyed. If we choose to see the benefits as an unexpected bonus, we would also realise getting back into the swing of things isn’t really a set back to feel bad about.

Think of the things you enjoyed and figure out ways to continue to make the important ones happen.

Come up with some new and fun goals

As we all get back to ‘normal life’, we can and should come up with new goals in all areas of our lives. This could be things that our commute will enable for example getting some audio books for your journey, or activities that our work location will support such as discovering new sights or starting a lunch time book club.

Perhaps it is something that you can do during your lunch breaks or the fact that your commute will count towards your exercise goal if you walk more purposefully.

What did you miss during the pandemic that you can now get back to doing?

We have an opportunity to reflect as we navigate the new normal. At the start of the lockdown, there were things that we missed before we got used to not having them.

This could be networking opportunities after work, meeting up with friends, enjoying nice lunch time walks, running errands during lunchtime.

Think of what you want to incorporate back into your life now that things are getting back to the old normal.

What new thing can you get involved in?

There are always new initiatives and causes to support or get involved in. It could be social, political, a mentoring opportunity or related to a hobby or passion.

Just before the lockdown, a friend decided to learn about bee keeping and now she’s making hand cream from the Bee wax. What started as a hobby during the lockdown has now become an income generating opportunity.

We can all experience a re-birth at any time we choose. Now that we are getting back out there, I am sure we can find things to do as we make the most of more ‘good hair’ days.

Focus on the positives

Now that restrictions are being lifted, we can all focus on the positives of being able to see friends, families and loved ones.

For those who relish the joy of foreign holidays, the world is your oyster and for others, lovely days and weekends out are beckoning.

Gardens are about to blossom and the sun is shining so what’s not to love. We don’t have to worry about forgetting masks, we’ll cringe less when people cough and we can let go of all Covid-induced anxiety.

There’s a lot to be thankful for even as we navigate or perhaps dread things going back to normal. Look for the opportunities that abound and the rewards that come with them.

Thanks for reading and sharing my post. Have an awesome week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.