Purposeful Me

As The World Turns

It’s another week which means another post. Some week’s posts are easy to create while others feel like pushing a boulder uphill. Today’s feels more like the latter for many reasons. It’s been a week of sorts with plans changing, challenges all around and some uncertainties.

At a friend’s barbecue, we talked about the changing weather, recent heat waves, lack of rain, the water levels being lower than expected and the fact that there will be some guidance to help the nation conserve water.

In other parts of the world, the signs of the change includes how deep people have to dig to reach water for their boreholes, rising temperatures, flash floods in places that usually don’t have much rain.

There’s no doubt that as the world is turning, we are seeing the impact on multiple levels including economic, political, environmental and climate. There are no easy solutions to the rocky times that we are in and the stormy weathers ahead. We are preparing for a winter with rising cost of energy, Labour unions are coordinating strikes on behalf of their workers and the government is proposing solutions that aren’t adequate for most people.

So what do we do?

Time is of the essence

We have to prepare now for what is coming. As we are expecting increased energy prices, we talked about how to reduce our bills in the warmer months. We can turn off underfloor heating, use the thermostat to adjust temperatures, switch off heaters or at least make sure they are not switched on when no one is home.

We must act now to be ready for the expenses of the winter months.

Watch your wastes

We all see wastes around us though many are overlooked. Boiling the kettle before you are ready to use the water or getting distracted after it’s boiled means we turn on the kettle many times wasting energy in the process. Same applies to the oven, many times we turn on the oven too quickly and it reaches the optimum temperature before our prep is finished.

Not planning our shopping often means waste in terms of buying what we already have with some things ending up in the dustbin. That needs to stop now.

Prepare for a marathon

Global warming is a thing, not just any thing, it’s a massive thing that is affecting and will continue to affect the whole world.

We have to be educated on what this means for us and for the global village that the world is. We must play our parts at an individual level, support the government in the policies they come up with and finally we need to join the conversation on climate change.

There is a Nigerian proverb that say, ‘when the heavens come falling, it will fall on everyone. Every where and every person in the world will be impacted by climate change so we can’t leave the solution to others.


We are in choppy waters for sometime and for many this will be uncharted territories. We need to be physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically ready for what is coming.

We need to support each other everywhere we interact with others – home, places of worship, community Centres, schools, and work.

We can share tips to help each other, discover new and functional hobbies like gardening to grow some of our own vegetables, herbs and fruits.  


Finally we are all going to get through the choppy waters. We will get through it alone but we can get through it, better, together. The one thing we won’t do is give up.

Thanks for reading and sharing my post. Have a great week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.