Purposeful Me

black female kid in doctor costume in studio

Purposeful Living: Charting Your Path to a Fulfilling Life

Yesterday, a Facebook reminder popped up sharing some pictures from past PurposefulMe Blog posts asking if I wanted to turn them into a reel. They briefly took me back to the past 4 years and 9 months of Purposefulme Blog making me think of the number of posts that I have written in that time and how the word, ‘Purpose’ is at the heart of them all.

We must embrace ‘Purposeful living’ as it is crucial to living a fulfilled life. For me purposeful living is having an intentionality about your life, decision making, choices, goals and values. It is about figuring out your reason for being, what gets you up in the morning, what keeps you going when the chips are down and what effortlessly puts a smile on your face even when it comes at a cost.

colorful cutouts of the word purpose
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Living with purpose gives your life direction, meaning and fulfilment; it keeps you within the boundaries of good and bad choices and helps you stay on track despite any distractions.

Here are some pointers for consideration:

Define Your Purpose

I have seen some writers challenge whether you must find your purpose in life and I would challenge their views by saying, YES, you must find things that give your life meaning.  You can choose not to call it purpose and give it any name you choose, but you must believe that there is more to your life than just getting up in the morning aimlessly.  

Living with purpose goes beyond mere existence and involves aligning your actions, values, and goals to create a meaningful life.

Go on a Self-Discovery Journey

Self-discovery is key to finding your purpose. Spend time with yourself and figure out the answers to  questions like how you see yourself, who you are, what you want to achieve with your life, what you enjoy doing, what you like spending time on, who you like spending time with, what you value in life, what your passions, gifts, and talents are, how you want to be seen, what problems irks you and the difference you want to make to your own life and the life of others.

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Write the answers down, begin to look at how aligned your answers are to your current life plan and decisions; make a plan to close any gaps

Use journaling, meditation, and introspection to help you to better understand yourself and your aspirations.

Outputs from your self-discovery

At the end of your journey, you should come out with some outputs including your ‘Core Values’ which are essential in helping you to shape a purposeful life. Reflect on the core values you come up with and let them guide your future decision-making and goal-setting.

Your self discovery should shine a light on your ‘Passions and Talents’; look for and pursue activities that ignite your passions and leverage your natural talents. Aligning your passions with purpose can lead to greater fulfilment.

Meaningful Goals’ should be a byproduct of your self discovery. Set new short and long-term goals that are in line with your purpose and use them to create your roadmap for a fulfilling life.

Giving Back and Making a Difference

We are all wired to give back and make a difference with positive emotional rewards when we do this. Contributing to the greater good is an easy way to infuse one’s life with purpose. Think about different ways that you can make a positive impact on your communities and the world.

It could be as easy as mentoring a younger person, helping the elderly, sharing a smile with someone else, volunteering with like-minded people, doing random acts of kindness or checking in on a neighbour. Each good deed rewards you first leaving you more fulfilled and happier.

unrecognizable hiker walking through mountains
Photo by Grafixart_photo Samir BELHAMRA on Pexels.com

Navigating the journey

The journey toward a purposeful life will inevitably involve challenges and setbacks so you must learn to overcome them by becoming more resilient, having a positive outlook despite challenges and maintaining focus on the bigger picture.

Step out of your comfort zones and embrace the growth and learning that each challenge provides as they are essential to your personal growth and continuous learning contributing to a fulfilling life.  

Leverage your toolkit

Your toolkit will contain some skills, behaviours, choices and practices including ‘Mindfulness and Gratitude’. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude will enhance your experience of living with purpose. Focus on staying present and appreciating all of life’s moments – from little to significant ones.

Create a Balanced Life; this is key to pursuing a purposeful life. Prioritize different aspects of life, such as work, relationships, health, and personal interests and make conscious decisions that don’t jeopardize them.

Incorporate ‘Purpose-driven Practices’ into your daily routines including reading, journaling, meditation, reflection and adjusting after periodical reflection on your journey. Don’t forget; the path to a fulfilling life is an ongoing process. Thanks for reading and sharing my post with others.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.