The Purposeful Life Project

A dear friend of mine suggested I write about circle of trust and accountability so you have him to thank for this week’s post.

Trust is defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability and surety of a person or thing

Accountability is the state of being accountable, liable or answerable. And being accountable means a person is subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something

So, what is a circle of trust and accountability? This is a small group of people who decide to build a relationship that provides a safe place for them to grow and become better versions of themselves. To do this, they agree to look out for each other, learn together, share and be accountable to one another. They will tell you the truth no matter how hard it is. They have one goal in mind which is to help each other be all they were created to be. They call you out when you are making excuses, recognise when you are scared and help you refine your thought process by asking useful questions. They point out potential flaws in your arguments, actions, decisions and behaviour. Ultimately with them, you know when you are falling short of expectations and what to do about it. They help you, cheer you on, recognise your achievements and celebrate your successes.

Do you know people who are completely clueless about how they come across and how their actions negatively impact others?

Before you rack your brain recalling all of them, look in the mirror and add yourself to the list.

We all have parts of ourselves that are hidden to us but not to others. The only way we will ever know is if people tell us and that is a hard thing.

Not everyone feels comfortable giving feedback because they are worried about how it might be received and frankly speaking we don’t want to offend anyone.

Recently an old classmate decided to compile the names of those we attended school with. He enlisted the help of five others and when I looked at the list my name and a few others were missing. Shocking! Isn’t it? Perhaps not. Someone sent me a message and said, “you have really changed”. I probed what they meant. Their response was, “from introvert to extrovert”. The person then said, “ask anybody to mention ladies in our school year now and you would be among the first three…..” I had very few close friends back then, I wasn’t miss popular or sporty and the only times I spoke up was against a few bullies. In the same week, I heard of two young people who committed suicide and there was a teenager who shot two classmates. Tragic! isn't it? This prompted me to think of what I would say to myself if I had written a letter to my future self from key moments in my past. What would I say, if I knew the pimply face would someday be less so and that I would leave the bullies behind outlasting them in endurance, capacity, capability and outperforming them? What about that boy who did not notice me, who I now wouldn’t be caught dead with? I can’t recall any but you get the gist. What about those girls who seemed to hit their peak when I was still looking tomboy-ish, wondering, ‘how come and why me?’ What would I say, if I knew that relationship break-up would not destroy me? Or if I knew all my challenges would pass and I would face and overcome even bigger ones becoming more resilient in the process? What would I say, if I knew there was a world out there waiting for me, a successful career, an amazing family, friends and a host of other successes, blessings and accomplishments?

"New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings". Lao Tzu This quote is quite poignant for me. I have a choice to focus on the end of my 16- plus year banking career or I can focus on the fresh start this now gives me. A fresh start to do an assessment of my life to date, a look ahead to what I want it to look like in 5, 10, 20 years and the legacy I can build that will outlive me. What an incredible gift this is! Does it always feel like a gift? I wish. Many times, it feels like a pipe dream that could easily go up in smokes. It feels like leaving the ‘job security’ behind and taking on a huge risk. It feels scary, daunting, and challenging. So, what can I do to make sure I focus on the right things and have the right mindset that helps me to see the positives and the opportunities? Train journey I must take my past learning, experiences and skills and repackage this to work for me in my new beginning. I need to identify my fears, face and overcome them, making a choice to look forward only and not be distracted or held back by my past. I must focus my gaze on my new beginning and remind myself daily of this quote. I will find people who can speak into any areas of insecurity that I have and not be afraid to be vulnerable. That’s the only way they will know I need help and for me to get the support that will help me achieve my goals.

One of my passions is cooking and I like to attempt tricky recipes just for the fun of it. I still remember making my first soufflé over ten years ago and wondering if it would rise or fall. Recently I was watching 'Masterchef - the professionals' and contestants in the skills test were asked to create a soufflé which they all did with varying degrees of success. One of the contestants went through the right steps and appeared to have got his ingredients correctly measured out, yet his soufflé did not rise as expected despite his best efforts. When the judges reviewed his soufflé, Monica Galetti uttered the phrase, "you had a lot of Sou and no ffle". Her comment soon became a rib tickling catchphrase between my sister and I. After three days of laughing at this comment, the penny finally dropped. I realised there was a lesson - about actions not translating to desired results or expectations. I am sure we have all had some 'sou and no ffle' moments. These quickly become defining moments when some life impacting choices come up.

  • Do you allow yourself to be defeated, never to make another soufflé or do you get up and make another one even if you’re the only that’s going to eat it?
  • Do you allow yourself to be defined by this mistake or failure or do you shake it off, learn from it and move on?
  • Do you allow yourself to be haunted by this failure or shortfall adding to others that you have filed in your ‘failure archive’?
You know what I mean, that archive in your mind where you store all the things that haven’t worked in the past. We all have them but it’s what we do with them that matters. We all need to remember that our pasts don't have to define our future or hold us back. So what do I do when I don't get my desired results and when my archives creep back up?

My nephew came to visit a while back when he was about two years old. Many times he would knock on the door and I would ask, ‘who is there?’ he would reply, ‘it’s me’. Again I would ask, ‘who is me?’ And he would say, ‘it’s David’. I then get up to open the door to his delight. The truth is that I knew it was him before he even knocked. I recognised the sound of his tiny feet and his knock. He was the only child in the house and the only person who knocked if any door was closed. I enjoyed playing these ‘knock knock’ games with him throughout his visit. I am reminded of that game as I ponder what is knocking as we start a new year.

  • What opportunities are knocking on our doors?
  • Who is knocking on our doors?
  • What will be on the other side of the doors when we open them?
  • Will you hear and recognise the knocks when they come?
These questions are worth considering. With David, it was easy for me to open the door as I knew exactly who was there. There was no risk of opening the door to the wrong person. This is not quite the same for opportunities as they often come disguised as problems and cloaked in ways that we don’t expect. It would be nice and easy if we all got a recognisable knock and wake up with a life and game changing idea but most of us won’t. It would be reassuring if we knew exactly what or who will be on the other side of the knocks that will come this year but we don’t know. What we know is that, we will see and hear of problems and opportunities. There are only two responses – open the door or leave it closed. So here are some thoughts …..Harrogate Stray in Summer  

I ended my last post by referring to the quote by Henry David Thoreau that says, "Never look back unless you are planning to go that way." It is easy to say don’t look back but, some people might ask, ‘what does that mean or what practical steps can I take?’ This quote is a timely reminder at a time when I'm leaving my old career behind to pursue new opportunities. There's a risk that I could be tempted to look back at the familiar especially at those times when fear and self-doubt will inevitably crop up. This happens to the best of us and I must think now of what to do when that happens. I need a plan now as it will be too late to come up with one if fear and self-doubt has already crept in. So, here are some tips to help you move in the direction you want to go. Know the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ Write down the vision and your 'why'. This is critical as if you don’t know where you are going, there’s no way to know when you arrive. At the earliest stage, define what you want to achieve and why it is important. This becomes your motivation. Create a plan of action                           Have a plan so you know what to do on a daily and weekly basis. This will be useful on days when you’re not in the mood or don’t feel motivated. If you stick with the scheduled actions and discipline yourself to follow through, you will move in the right direction.

I have asked myself this question on many occasions. I worked in Banking for over 16 years. While this wasn’t a planned career path, I made the most of the opportunities I had. I got many qualifications, moved through different areas of the bank and worked with many amazing people as well as some challenging ones. Through it all, I honed my skills and grew both personally and professionally with loads of exciting and truly joyful moments. On the one hand, I wouldn’t trade any of it but on the other hand, I can't help asking myself. 'What would have been if I had figured out and pursued my purpose and passion all these years?'. What would I have accomplished if I became organized sooner, facing my fears and tackling the insecurities that have kept me in my comfort zone? As I asked myself, ‘why now?’, I took the time to think about the past two decades. I thought of the people I have met, my mistakes, the learnings and wisdom gleaned from others. Seaview I realise my life is richer now and I have more to offer to the world. I know that instead of looking back, I've got to press forward, forge ahead and trust that now is a great time to start.

'Purposeful me' Why that name? I hear you ask. I wish I could simply describe it as one of those 'Ah ha' moments that people refer to. Yes, I had some 'ah ha' moments, more than twice actually but in each case, the name that popped into my spirit was already in use. I eventually had to apply some brain power to the task of finding a name that encapsulates what I believe the next phase of my life is to be about. So after hours of careful review of the dictionary and thesaurus, googling web names and scouring social media, I eventually concluded on the name, 'purposeful me'. Now that you know how the name came about, let's talk about 'the why'. On the 11th of November 2017, I was at a seminar and the presenter asked me what I was passionate about and I immediately replied, 'continuous Improvement'. I was thinking about my day job and what I enjoyed about it. Later that night, I began to ponder the same question again and I realised that, yes, I was passionate about Continuous Improvement but felt I had applied it to Businesses and processes for almost two decades. Suddenly I realised my passion was the same but how I wanted to apply it was different. I was now more interested in the continuous improvement of people. This is something I have always done effortlessly, in passing, without much focus and attention. I knew I had more to offer and felt that I had to take the opportunity that was handed to me to go after my passion with more focus and determination. After all, what is the price of a fulfilled life?