Flip The Switch! Change the script
Sometimes in life it can feel like we are on autopilot and at other times, life seems to be on replay. We need to learn how to flip the switch to help us move forward. Read on for my thoughts
No Pain, No Gain
‘No Pain, No Gain.’ This is a phrase that we don’t really like but I am finding this to be true in many areas of my life. I must learn to embrace the pain for the results that I want.
Explore Your Possibilities
What would be possible to you if you didn’t have any insecurities? Explore your possibilities takes a look at this.
Managing Defeats And Setbacks Of Life
How do you see defeat? Do you treat a single defeat as a final one or not? If past failures and defeats have held you back, there is hope and a way out.
It’s Party Time
I can’t believe it has been a year since I started this blog. Hooray, ‘Purposeful Me’ Blog is a year old and what a year it has been. There have been moments when I’ve wondered what came over me to get me
Fear Not 2.0
Fear is now a weapon of choice for many taking people hostage and driving agendas that aren't for the betterment of society. Read on for how to respond.
Fear Not
We all have to deal with fear at some point in life. How prepared are you?
What does your dream require of you?
Following a long summer break, it's time for things to ramp up again. It's also a great time to re-assess our dreams.
Not Today
The phrase, 'Not Today' can literally change our lives and how we respond to circumstances. Read on for more.
Time to take stock
I have wanted to write this post for a couple of weeks. It’s been 15 posts and three months since I started my blog so I figure it’s time to take stock.
Is it what I thought it would be like?
Has the journey been easy?
Have I been scared, anxious or disappointed?
Am I glad I took this step of faith?
Am I having the impact I hoped for?
These are just some of the questions on my mind as I take stock of the past three months. The calling to start a blog came to me on the 12th of November 2017 and two weeks later, I published my first post. I still remember the feelings of joy and elation as I saw the numbers of views go up. So what have I learnt over the past three months? I have learnt to take risks. I took a risk when I opted to leave my job in the bank, and I took another when I decided to start a blog. It was scary to start with, as I questioned my decisions but in hindsight, I am glad I took both risks.