Have Another Thought
A few days ago, one of my all time favourite movie, ‘Guess who’s coming to dinner’ came up on TV and I couldn’t resist watching it again. This classic movie highlighted a key issue of interracial marriage. One scene that stands
Mind Your Language
Science is proving that words matter. What type of words are you speaking or listening to?It’s time to ‘Mind your language’
The real and true you
As I write this week’s post, two thoughts form the backdrop.
Last week, a reader asked me to write an article on, ‘working or living with someone with a sadistic tendency’. I didn’t think I was qualified to write about this and it didn’t fit in with what my Blog is about. I promised to look into the subject because people matter.
In the same week, I watched a film where a father called his twin girls pumpkins. One of the girls responded by saying, “we are not pumpkins, daddy, we are girl people”. The father laughed and agreed they were not pumpkins.
Thinking about these two scenarios, my thought today is all about who we are as people.
When you look in the mirror, who do you see looking back at you? When you drop the act and let your guards down, who are you?
If your nearest and dearest were asked about you, who would they say you are? How would your co-workers describe you?
How does the atmosphere change when you walk into a place?
Is it warmer, liberating, joyful and hopeful or does it become cold, stifling, impossible, scary and depressing? Are people glad and excited when you walk into a room or when you leave? Food for thought.
I love the innocence of the girls who said they were now ‘girl people’. They knew who they were and it wasn't pumpkins.
What do you need to change about who you are today and how you are seen by others? Are you going to remain a ‘pumpkin’ or reintroduce yourself as a person?