Mindful Communication – Seeing Ourselves in Our Own Conversations
‘Blah blah’ is often more than just a filler—it’s a mirror. Skipping details can reveal how rushed, uncertain, or unheard we feel. This week, let’s pause before we shortcut, and embrace the full story. Who knows what connection it might
The Silent Force
The silent force of unconscious bias is one that drives us all to form opinions about others. If let unchecked it can drive us towards making assumptions and judgements that can lead to hatred and division. Bringing bias to our conscious minds
Choosing Hope on Hard Days
Being positive is a choice we all have to make everyday because life happens and it is not guaranteed to be smooth sailing. Positive thinking can be misconstrued as ‘happy clappy’ but it’s more than that. Thinking positively is choosing hope
Not Going Back
‘Not Going Back’ is a phrase we have been hearing recently as the American presidential race goes on. The question is where have you come from and what are you not going back to? This is a phrase that we
Choosing Wisely
There are many important choices we all face in life from friendships, faith, life partners, careers, to who speaks into our lives. Choosing wisely is life changing. Knowing who we allow into our lives is a critical skill. People will either fill
Juggling Talents and Gifts
Jack of all trades and master of none is something we hear but is that really true? What happens to multi-talented people and how do they make the most of all their skills and talents? Read on for some tips.
The Road to Self-Discovery: Embracing Challenges as Catalysts for Growth
Everyday we get opportunities to be transformed better versions of ourselves as we grow through facing and overcoming the obstacles and challenges that are thrown at us. Many people see the beauty of butterflies but fail to see the ugliness they
Living Intentionally: Finding Purpose and Joy in ‘Every Day’
Living intentionally doesn't come naturally to most of us. We have to work on finding meaning and fulfilment in our every day lives. Post covers some tips on how to make this happen.
Happy Father’s Day: Honouring the Pillars of Strength and Love
Father's Day gives us an extra opportunity to celebrate the amazing men who make a difference in our lives. Thank you for always being there. Happy Father's Day
Healthy Relationships: Navigating life with others
A great skill to have is one that helps us to navigate life resulting in healthy relationships in all facets of our lives from work, community to personal. Post explores some useful tips to help us do life with others in