‘Normal’ Comes At A Price
'Normal' comes at a price and it is often overrated. Who defines normal for you considering someone's normal is your different and vice versa? It's time to be proud of 'normal' because 'Normal' is also okay.
Four Chicken Thighs!!!
Cost of living expenses are on the increase creating a financial challenge for most people. We can't afford to fold our arms and wait for life to happen. There are some things we can start to do now to better
Worth and Value
We don't always value the most important things or ascribe the right worth to things that surround us. That is until those things are put at risk. It's wise not to wait to ascribe the right value to the right things.
Project You
Working on Project 'YOU' isn't a nice to do, it is a must do. We are designed to evolve, move and grow in all areas of our lives. You can only give what you have so it's time to work
Empty Fatigue Or Gratifying Exhaustion?
Empty fatigue or gratifying exhaustion? The choice is ours to make. We can invest our time wisely to make sure any exhaustion we feel is a welcome and gratifying one. Life is too short for us not to pay attention on
Too Much To Do and Not Enough Time
Too much to do and not enough time to get it done is the story we all hear. So what can we do about that? And is that even true? How others get much more done is worth exploring.
For Such A Time As This
‘For such a time as this’ is a phrase that comes to mind when I think of my MasterChef UK journey. It felt as though everything I had ever done, gone through and endured was packaged to take me there
Maybe You Are Right
'Maybe you're right' is a phrase my brother recently shared with me as a way of ending arguments and some 'conversations' quickly. As I have pondered on it, I have unearthed some additional scenarios when it would be appropriate to
Beauty In The Chaos
As I sat down to write my post, I was unsure of what to write and wondered if today would be one of those days when writing the post would be like pulling tooth. I looked around me and all
Better than Easter Eggs
What can be better than Easter eggs during Easter? For me it is having a better, safer, saner and kinder world. This starts with each one of us taking ownership of our choices and making kinder and more loving decisions.