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Video Blogs

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post with the same title and I’ve wanted to do an accompanying video. I see people struggling to see a way out of their present situations and I want to remind them that their bests days are still ahead. So what if you could write a letter to the future you or imagine what the future you would say to you right

This was a question I found myself asking when I decided to walk away from my banking career. Until then I thought my identity was really clear but I soon found that was a lie I told myself when I was in my comfort zone. Click on link to hear my thoughts on how to navigate this key question. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and share the video.

Hi all. So the day is finally here when the VLOG comes to life. This is something that I have put off for quite a while but I figure it’s time to bite the bullet and get it done. Click on the link below to watch my first video. Thanks for watching. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel (PurposefulMe) and don’t forget to like and share the video.