Purposeful Me

The Dreamy Version Of You

Many of us dream of a version of ourself that is completely different from our current reality. The reason is simple; it is easy to dream and imagine our perfect lives.

Anyone can imagine a life with the right career, right house, relationships, financial freedom, healthy lifestyle and total wellbeing.

We can picture being confident people, self-assured, contributing to society, fighting for causes we believe in and making a difference wherever we find ourselves.

Even when we are not dreaming of that better version of ourselves, we see people, things and ideas that put those pictures at the forefront of our minds.

You can watch a movie and see the dreamy version of you in one of the characters – it could be their resilience, how they are put together, their courage, adaptability, fearlessness, confidence, communication skills or emotional intelligence.

But what is the point of the ‘dreamy version’ of us if nothing changes? What joy or pleasure can a dreamy version of us give?

We dream when we are asleep and when we are awake, but something is common to both types of dreams – they mean nothing once we awake to reality. They are like puffs of smoke that disappear in to thin air. Yes we can capture them in our journals but they remain a figment of our imaginations or our dreams.

Nothing changes until we are willing to pay the price to make our dreams come true.

So what will it take to make the dreamy versions of us a reality?

Commitment and Action

It will start with us making a commitment to that version of us. A commitment that will start with having a clear vision of how to turn that dream in to our reality and we must follow that with action.

Hard work

It will take a lot of graft and hard work to make the dreamy versions of us happen. If you want to make a change to your health and get to your ideal weight, it will take denying yourself the things you like to eat and do.

If your dream involves starting a new business alongside your current career, there will be late nights, missed dinners and a lot of stress.

Belief and faith

You will need to believe in yourself, others and your skills and abilities to make your dreams true. You will also need to have a lot of faith which will keep you going even when you can’t clearly see your path to the end goal. You learn to trust and put one foot in front of the other.


This is the ability to bounce back after a set back. Set backs will happen in the course of making your dreams a reality and the level of resilience that we have is what will help us carry on in these moments.


We will need endurance which is a determination to keep going until we reach our goals. Yes, we may need to take a break to re-energise, we may even need to do a ‘pause and pivot’ to change tactics but we must keep moving towards that end goal.

Welcome mistakes and failures

Mistakes and failures are inevitable in life and especially as we work towards our goals. We must welcome them as they are not intended to be the end of us; rather if we allow them, they become the making of us.

We learn and grow from mistakes which means we are not back to square one, instead we move forward from a platform of experience and learning.

Learn to take stock

Finally, through every step of the journey we need to reflect, pause and take stock. The results of this process will enrich the next stage of the journey.

We must wake up from our dreams and start taking the steps to make them a reality. They mean nothing if they remain in our minds or stay on the pages of our journals.

For this week, our challenge is to step out of our dream world into a world of reality that is full of our dreams. Thanks for reading my post and see you next week.

Yemi is a motivational Speaker, Blogger and Author of 'Flying High in a Polka Dot Dress' and ‘The Purposeful Life Project’. She lives in the United Kingdom. Her passion is to help people discover their purpose and encourage them to fulfil it. She is an avid reader, a lover of people, fashion and food.


  • Uchay

    Thank you Sis Yemi for another inspiring message. God bless you richly.

  • Jane Adelekan

    Thanks sister Yemi. Much food for thought this week.
    God bless

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