New Beginnings VLOG
‘New beginnings are often disguised as sad endings’ How often do we focus on the negatives rather than embrace the positives. This video is inspired by a post about how we should see new beginnings. Please subscribe and share the
Happy New Year and Happy New Decade
As we fast approach a new year, we have an opportunity to embrace not just the new year but a new decade as well. We can write our narratives now of what we want the next year and new decade
When You Are Unsure
There are times in life when we face uncertainties - some big and some not so big. How do we respond to times when we are unsure of the next step. We trust and believe the best is yet to
Stop Waiting For A Great Day
Many of us dream of a best day, the day when everything is as we would like it to be. The reality is that for most, that perfect day proves elusive. What if we flipped the narrative and start seeing
Another Day To Get It Right – Seize It!
July has crept up on me so I ask myself the question, ‘Have I made the past six months count?’ Time is a currency we all have and one we cannot claw back once it is spent. Read on for
Me and You! 2.0
A better version of everyone exists and we owe it to ourselves to discover what that looks like and work towards becoming this version. Read on for my take on this.
It’s Review Time
Seasons shape many things we do like what we wear and eat but for me, the end of each season is also a reminder to do a personal review. As spring officially starts, end of quarter one of the year
Conform, Complain or Confront
This week’s post is inspired by three words I came across a while back and it’s a reminder of the responses we have to situations. I regularly come across people who share about their personal circumstances and challenges. What I often find
Push your boat out
What is the point of a boat that remains on the shores? What dreams are you sitting on? It’s time to push your boat out, launch in to the deep and let down your net for a catch
What does your dream require of you?
Following a long summer break, it's time for things to ramp up again. It's also a great time to re-assess our dreams.