When Getting Lost Pays
‘Getting lost’ isn’t something we look forward to but it is a blessing especially when we realise we leverage the lessons without even meaning to. Maximise getting lost and finding your way back.
Lost In Translation
Many things are lost in translation and communication doesn’t end until the desired outcome follows it. Here are some tips.
Finding My ‘Nemo’
Everything we do starts with a thought and when you have goals, there is a need to be purposeful in our approach if we are going to accomplish them with minimal pain.
The Dreamy Version Of You
We all have dreamy version of ourselves but it’s not enough to have that. We must be willing to do what it takes to make our dreams a reality.
The Earth Eats Again
The earth is a bottomless belly that keeps swallowing! And LIFE is for living. It’s time to take stock and make the choice to live well.
A Good Exchange
What are you exchanging today for? That’s a question that each of us needs to answer and the answer should motivate us to make necessary changes
The Best Investment
What is the best investment you can make? Some will say it is investment in others, but is that right? It depends on who you ask. Read on for my take on this debate.
Problem For Your Solution
Problems for solutions or solutions for your problems? Well, it depends on who you share your dreams with. Fulfilled dreams require the right people. Choose well.
Freaking Out
Freaking out is a state of mind that doesn’t work for us, so we need to take a step back if we find ourselves in that place. There are things that can help us manage our ‘freak out’ moments.
Trashing Treasures
We all have someone’s treasures in our homes but we sometimes mistakenly see them as our trash. I was encouraged to do some sorting and I am so glad I did because of the lessons I learnt. Here’s my story.