From “Blah Blah” to “What What”
Do you say ‘blah blah’ or, if you’re in Nigeria, ‘what what’? These little fillers are handy for skipping details, but in the wrong setting, they can be a recipe for awkwardness. Read on for when this shorthand adds charm—and when it just gets lost in translation.”
Riding Life’s Storms: Finding Strength in Unexpected Curveballs
Life’s storms and curveballs are inevitable, but resilience lies in learning to adapt and grow through them. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, focus on what you can control, and seek support. Remember, no storm lasts forever. Take one step forward today—you’re stronger than you know.
When Words Are Not Enough
The time came to say an unexpected goodbye to my amazing younger brother. Words fail me but we have hope and faith in a great future, albeit one without him. My heart and prayers go out to everyone dealing with a loss.
Finding Strength in Challenging Times
There will be times when we have to dig deep to find the strength we need to get through the day. Knowing what to do at these times is critical. It starts with being honest with ourselves and recognising when we need help. It's okay not to be okay; acknowledging when we are not okay is the start of the journey to being okay.
Managing Our Mental Health During Challenging Times
None of us is immune to hard times so managing our mental health especially during difficult challenges is essential. We all have moments when we need to tap in to the resilience that we are all capable of. Here are some tips to help you.
The Power of Kindness
Kindness is a mindset that we all need but as the world gets more disconnected, kindness becomes more challenging. This week is NSPCC kindness challenge and we have an opportunity to have a reset and connect with people on a deeper level. Kindness has a ripple effect that touches everyone involved - the giver, receiver and observers.
The Silent Force
The silent force of unconscious bias is one that drives us all to form opinions about others. If let unchecked it can drive us towards making assumptions and judgements that can lead to hatred and division. Bringing bias to our conscious minds is the starting point to building a fair society by seeing others as we see ourselves.