Outsourcing Is Not For Everything
Outsourcing is a really useful strategy in Business and sometimes in life. There are some things that are not meant for outsourcing. Read on for my take on when outsourcing has gone too far.
Go Beyond
We can all go beyond what we think and know. It just requires us to be willing to show up to meet any commitments we make. Going beyond is about realising our capacities even when they seem out of reach.
What Are You Here For?
Why are you where you are and are you accomplishing your purpose for being there? This is a question we all need to answer. Read on for my take on this.
No Pain, No Gain
‘No Pain, No Gain.’ This is a phrase that we don’t really like but I am finding this to be true in many areas of my life. I must learn to embrace the pain for the results that I want. Read on for my take on this.
‘Becoming’ is the starting point
We often focus on achieving our goals but lose sight of what comes next. Arriving to our intended destination is just the starting point.
Me and You! 2.0
A better version of everyone exists and we owe it to ourselves to discover what that looks like and work towards becoming this version. Read on for my take on this.
Who Is Following You?
We all follow someone and others are following us. But what are our leadership responsibilities?